Keep Moving Forward

A massive snorlax had exited the shop, shoving back everyone else who was waiting in line. a huge basket was held in the snorlax's powerful arms, with steaming mountain of fresh berry - wiches poking out from under the lid.

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Repeat your question, standing your ground

The samoyed, naga, pokemon minus the snorlax, and ginger cat walk up as well during his explaination.

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Approach them confessing it was you

The bear and snorlax are both not moving. the jackalope and mudkip both went to the beach and are swimming looking in your direction.

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Back away from the situation

The snorlax keeps on snoring as if nothing happened. the jackalope scurries out from underneath you as does the mudkip. then the mudkip shoots a jet of water at you with a growl and you are instantly drenched.

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Ask how far along are you

Meanwhile, the snorlax shifts again and she does. you see a push out fo her baby's paw from the inside then a footpaw. "aww c'mon, be nice to your mother," she yeeps pushing back against the protrusions with a chuckle.

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An AbsolUtely Amazing Luxray Costume

As they walked further along they saw a snorlax fighting against an arcanine, as the arcanine prepped a fire blast the snorlax used a mega punch on the fire type.

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Say Excuse me maam where am I

The bear stops with her phone when you speak and puts it down on her lap, looking at you, "What?" She puts a paw on her belly as you see a movement. She giggles at that. Then she glances at her phone and back and you with a smile. She gestures...

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Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking

"you ate 100 rare candies and made yourself a snorlax. after that, you blamed me, knocked me out, and went on a rampage." blaze frowned. "i lost control again, didn't i?" "big time. you also ate a crop load of food on your rampage."

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Lily's biography

- she likes cooking and sometimes that until she sees his client as a snorlax. she's not a bad cinccino. - she doesn't like muscular pokémon but loves hug big and chubby pokémon, reminding her to a pillow.


How To Pokemon Go

I finally caught a snorlax! everyone else has had one for over a year! but i finally got one!" "a snorlax?" kickaha tilted his head acting confused. "yeah in pokemon go!" calex responded as he held up his phone for the foxyote to see.


Alex and the Shiny Ampharos

Continued walking until his belly weighed so much how if it had a snorlax inside and he looked around.

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