Protectors Of Aeron City Part 4(Flash Story Series)

She said it felt like time froze for a moment after she punched him in the tender bits, then the senior officer tipped over.

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"senior schedule pick-up day!?" today was definately the day that all south green pea high school seniors were supposed to pick up their class schedules. all seniors... gosh, i'm a senior now and it hardly even feels like i'm a freshman.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 33

senior doberman has asked if it would be ok for you to adopt an older orphan, and it just so happens that i have a couple of options for you to take a look at, the first one is leo, now he will strike a chord with senior doberman as leo is a 16 year old doberman

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Beginnings Teaser

The senior mage turned and asked, "sir, who is the trainee?" "orion." he replied, "orion whitemane." "oh shit. computer!" the senior mage ordered, "yes?" a modulated voice replied, "where did he teleport to?!" the voice replied, " scanning.....

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Revelations (Ceil's Journey Part IV)

In the event of an untimely death, the senior mages convene and choose the next arch-mage. lianea hadn't chose a successor so the task fell to the senior mages.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 30

"wolfie, i have failed senior doberman, i have failed you but what is worse for me is the fact that i have failed our son.

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Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 1

Leo comes back into the house with senior doberman right behind him; linkin just stands there and shakes his head as he begins to speak.

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Soon enough the day where the seniors graduated in may of 2017 had come around. tommy preston and lucas had walked across the stage as many of their classmates and fellow seniors looked tired, depressed and miserable.

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Chance Encounters: High School Senior Year.

The party was on the second the last school bell of the year rang and every senior was throwing their hats up into the air. they had their chairs up on stage during the graduation ceremony.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 5.

I spot a smirk on senior doberman's muzzle and i enquire as to the nature of the smirk, the great fur then gives me his answer. "my smirk, mr.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 8.

He meets back up with todd, wolverine and senior doberman and speaks. "senior doberman, i would like to tender my resignation, with immediate effect, i don't want what i'm about to do to reflect upon you or dobersoft in any way".

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