The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

Chapter 30: the riot seuthu knew that the best place to cause trouble was right under besegrare's nose. unfortunately for her, not even her rank would matter if the king was present.

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The protests

Ughh, lily took a big inhale and than a light puff from the grass that she was smoking, ahh.... thats the stuff she said calmly than she heard a crack kraka kraka kraka, she looked out her window and saw a big riot going on outside she threw down her joint

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 5

The anti-genetics movement is picking up more here and the wyoming militia is stirring and gearing up for riot suppression.

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Starting wars

Then came the grate riot . reptilian political groups seeking revolution, freedom from there government . war is probable .... all furrys are on all four paws . not just the reptilians . but the consume .

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There was already a lot of controversy on the amendment, causing small riots to spring up around the gates of the white house.


Save a Life and You Will Save the World

In all, six frenchmen, mainly of the jewish faith, passed away in the riots and only the french police could callously claim that everything was under control the whole time.

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Thursday Writing Prompt: Scuffle and Blue

They had riot gear in the trunk ever since last summer when the riot started at the pharmaceutical downtown. they turned the sirens on and blasted over to the location. it was a dive bar about several blocks from downtown.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eleven

After that i'll keep on setting things on fire, and hopefully getting a good riot started while you're the center of attention."

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Good Uncle

"you think it'll play doug riot's wildstar?" andy's tail went crazy behind him as doug riot stood in a poncho, cowboy hat, and two laser revolvers.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Three

We don't want them to have cause to escalate another riot." "can i ride a unicorn to work?" joseph joked as he watched george continue to pace and ignore him.

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Chapter 3: Imprisonment of Mind

The government would film the riot, and the guards successfully killing off the rioters. it was to inspire fear.... it was early in the morning, and only a few guards stood watch. perhaps this place needed a real riot.

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Rooftops: Tempest

The police and riot officers surround us, almost all in gas masks. those that aren't are standing beside giant digital timers, the orange cells that make up numbers softly changing as our collective sentence draws nearer.

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