Blue Bird Egg Laying

Through all the embarrassment, it finally hit her how ridiculous this whole scenario was, how ridiculous it was for a girl to lay eggs, and through that ridiculousness, her embarrassment transformed into pure self-conscious humor. "why me?!"

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Hunting Death- Trouble

I don't care how ridiculous a weapon it is." "ridiculous?" i stammer, forgetting myself in the reaction to defend my weapon. "of all the ungrateful. anaelin is not a ridiculous weapon and is not a danger to anyone.

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Through my eyes

Eventually, your freinds begin to ridicule him, because of his weird, unusual ways. now, instead of stopping them and saying, "hey, leave him alone, maybe he's like that for a reason", you join them. you say to yourself, "what's the harm?

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Average Night

Now he had just finished trying to figure out why the slot stopped working, but the cable mess was just ridiculous, and half the plugs were literally hot glued in.

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My Life as a Slave 6

The general was making some ridiculous demands of us. like we give him forty thousand dollars to keep his mouth shut about what we do around here.

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Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate

I know, this story has a ridiculously slow progression, but i'm having a hard time writing this one. that's why this chapter should be a bit of a treat, since it's way longer than the last few!


The Best, Worst Show

Apparently, ridiculously dressed clowns inside a tiny car and on child bicycles chased after him, throwing pies one after the other, making him a delicious target for ridicule. the laughter rang in his ears, barely escaping the punishment.

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City of Dreams

A gigantic core of gold in a mountain was in retrospect, a pretty stupid and ridiculous idea. but without his gullibility he would never have made it to california.

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A Queer Life

I didn't need to be ridiculed for being childish as well as my sexual orientation. finally, the bell rang. i would be free soon. i heard students in the hallway, opening the lockers next to my cell.

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Weird Dreams - Alex

"hey mate" scottie said as he walked through the door, a surprisingly hefty amount of bags, filled mostly with (in alex's opinion) ridiculous clothing and geeky merchandise. "so, how was your day, cooped up inside and not washing?

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Gap Year: Segregated

We tried only to bring essentials, and even spent a bit more on ridiculously compact versions, like a mattress the size of a playing card that self-inflated at the push of a button, or the pouch for clothes that was bigger on the inside.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 6

It was ridiculously big, he looked incredibly stupid with this dish poking out of his tail but according to the specs scrolling through it was ridiculously powerful. "test complete, returning control to unit."

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