Story Snippet - Dating Daughters Daringly

reynolds' water breaking despite being in the 'flood zone' only seconds earlier, carla got the brunt of it, soaking her pants down to her socks.

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Bonds of Gold (Dragon TF Story) [Commission]

reynolds, we find ourselves in harrowing times. scourge is continuing to surface in the other districts and yet we still have no solution for the crisis that we face.

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An Unnatural Child

"ah, reynolds, just in time. i trust the organs came out well?" she waved a bloody scalpel to her left side. "just put them over there, and i'll take care of the rest." "dr. baransu, are you sure this is a good idea?"

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We Interrupt This Program - SHORT STORY

Starring sierra walker kieran reynolds historian's note : this takes place some years before the main story. please consider supporting me on or buy me a coffee!

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Lament, Chapter 2

Itoshi, manfeld, reynolds -\- the cells were a lot better than they could have been. when you mention the word 'cell' people tend to think of stark, barren rooms with bars and all that jazz. actually the ones here are kind of nice.

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The Confession

Her name was maria reynolds. she was a widow. she lost her husband and two sons when the war began. because of her devotion to them, no one ever got close to her. but even the most devoted can break down.

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 21

She added, taking our plates and chef reynolds with her. "ready to go?" i asked. "yup, one second." he replied, retrieving his wallet from his pocket. he dropped a twenty on the table, prompting me to do the same. "nothing she can say."

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Stepping off, she was greeted by one of the personnel supervisors, kieran reynolds.

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College Years

reynolds was only giving the class a walk-through of the lessons and units that are going to be covered first semester. i hardly payed any attention to his lecture though, my thoughts having been on allen only.

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Cave-in part 1

\*phone ringing,\* "jake reynolds, adventurer extraordinaire, how may i help you?"

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Wasteland Survivor – Building skills - ch28

Private reynolds was told that although he was an excellent shot, a great soldier, he was not sniper material. "brianna! step forward!" he called. my heart was beating a million miles an hour, had she failed too?

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Bonds of Gold Part 2 (Dragon TF Story) [Commission]

"i am...castor...reynolds. lead...scientist. i am...changed. i am....still me. the yangul...wish well...for us. we...bring the...cure. scourge...will more."

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