Bonds of Gold Part 2 (Dragon TF Story) [Commission]

Story by K9Lupus on SoFurry

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Continuation of Castor's adventures with his family in The Heart, one of several hives of the Yangul. Part 3 will be the finale of this story commissioned by FA: Walnut45 , and will follow in the near future!

Fun Fact: I originally had a naming system for the Yangul planned around names being dynamic, lengthening with age. The first vowel of a name would be extended depending on age. Kahzur would have become something kin to "Kaaaahzur", and using a Yangul's "short-name" would be reserved for the closest of friends or directed at a Yangul as an insult, essentially calling them a hatchling. For logistical reasons, this concept was cut, but may get used in a future story down the road.

Read more of "Bonds of Gold" below! Bonds of Gold Part 1

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Bonds of Gold

by K9 Lupus

" The Heart"

Rigel mumbled a sleepy chirp as he awoke curled against the warmth of his parents. The serum had continued its transformative effects throughout the night. Now only a trained eye would be able to discern Castor's and his family's past from the rest of the creatures within this hidden world. Thick scales had completed their conquest across the remainder of their bodies, fully replacing their former skins. Manipulating human-made objects would be impossible now with their large, clawed, bestial feet. Bony knobs of horn protruded from their jawlines, and for Castor his pronged, silver horns tapered back away from his skull as they had lengthened further out during the night. The pair had continued to grow in size, but still did not quite reach the imposing physique of some of the other Yangul they had passed the other day while ushered into The Elder's chambers.

The heavy, relaxed breathing of his father caused Rigel's head to rise and fall like a ship navigating the swell of a nearby storm. His tail twitched, then slid off his mother's leg as he stretched out the rest of his body. Rigel gently nudged the underside of Castor's snout, elicited a rumbling groan, but nothing else. Both still asleep.

Rigel considered doubling his efforts, but was more interested in everything going on outside of their cave. He crawled away from his parents and walked along the stone floor of the cave that had been their den for the night. His small claws quietly clacked against the stone with each step. Peering outside, Rigel's eyes widened taking in the breadth of busy activity below.

Peppered beams of sunlight barreled down from open cracks in the ceiling and fell across the grand, open area of The Heart. Rigel watched the other Yangul going about their daily activities with interest, some patrolling the outskirts of the stone city to repair any areas of visible damage, while other groups vanished into recesses within the walls that led to other areas of Teranovus. Another group led by an elderly individual proceeded towards the entrance lined up nose to tail. Even a gathering of similarly aged hatchlings were huddled together around an adult who was demonstrating various hunting techniques and stances to pass on to the next generation. In this way, much of what Rigel remembered from when his parents had taken him into the colony was the same for this place. Sure the buildings weren't metal here and did not shine like they did on the surface, but a group of creatures were living together and thriving through the use of the resources given from the land, and their reliance on one another.

Rigel was completely absorbed in learning more and more about this new, exciting place. His eyes hazarded a peek over the ridge below and glimpsed an array of more carved caves etched into the sloped, rocky side of The Heart. Light suddenly vanished into shadow, and Rigel glanced up to see the broad snout of the guide from the other day looming over him.

Rigel wailed a surprised scream and dashed back inside the cave, crashed hard into Phoebe's side, and jolted her awake. She growled, rolled over, and prepared to berate her son for his blatant rudeness, but saw the unanticipated guest sitting patiently at the mouth of the cave.

"What are you here for?" Phoebe rumbled as she arched her neck forward and stood.

Castor was now waking up as well from all of the commotion, and quickly got a hold of his senses as he righted himself. Phoebe's teeth were bared with Rigel crouched down low beneath her.

"Your little one would do well to be more observant of his surroundings." the guide answered.

"If I had instead been a mature lynus he would have already been feeding their young for the day."

Phoebe's rumble grew into a full-throated snarl, but the guide was unfazed.

"As for why I'm here, The Elder wishes to see Castor. He wants to discuss how to best assist you with this illness you had spoken of yesterday."

Phoebe's maternal instincts ebbed back to a more moderate level with the perception of an immediate, physical threat to her child left unfounded. She heaved a great sigh and relaxed.

"That's fine. We'll be ready to go in just a..." Phoebe started.

"He requested Castor alone." the guide interrupted with a sharp stare in Phoebe's direction.

Before Phoebe could protest any further, Castor stood between the two and nodded towards the guide.

"I'll go. The sooner this gets taken care of the better." he spoke with a turning sweep of his arched neck towards his beloved. He froze, and then she did, both of them taking in the furthering of their changes from the night before.

"I'll give you both a minute. Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting on the path." The guide left, leaving the family together in the cave.

Castor's and Phoebe's eyes roamed the strong, sinuous forms of their partner. They circled each other in a curious dance, the tips of their long, powerful tails sliding across the cool ground of the cave while their necks angled up to map out every new scale and alteration from the day before. The life they knew before was obliterated now behind their new draconic forms. Castor recalled Phoebe's laughs and warm breath against his chest in bed at night. Phoebe recalled Castor's scent, tinged with sand and sweat as he walked in from one of his expeditions through the desert. These new bodies would have to be their vessels to carry their shared future. Their bond would show them the way. Castor sauntered up to Phoebe and brushed the top of his snout against hers. She pressed back in kind.

"Why don't you take Rigel with you and explore some while I'm away? Learn more about this place. We can meet back here before the sun sets again." Castor murmured.

"I don't trust him." Phoebe cautioned with a low hum.

"We have to Phoebe, we feel his words just like our own. I don't believe deceit is a concept among the Yangul. Not the way they...we can speak now. And besides, we're too far into this already to start having doubts now. He led us here and The Elder is willing to help us. I consider that quite fortunate. He's only carrying out his duties. We can't fault him for that."

Phoebe gave a resigned snort, then nodded. "Be careful. That's all I'm asking."

"I will. You and Rigel too. Let's give this place a chance." Castor added with a lick of his tongue across her lower jaw.

With another bump of his snout against his mate's and then his son's, Castor left the cave to join the guide waiting down along the path to travel down towards the dark rise of the rocky central tower where The Elder eagerly awaited his presence.


Castor was nearly bumped off the worn dirt path again by another brute of a male rushing forward. Like the others, the creature didn't pay Castor any mind, and so Castor was forced to tuck himself closer to the edge of the path to avoid any further incident. To his chagrin, the guide wove his way through the moving river of bodies with practiced ease. For as much help as he had been by bringing him and his family here in the midst of their changes, this guide was still a mystery to Castor. Studying the guide's movements among the throng of passing yangul, Castor noted he was smaller than many of the other adults he had observed. The end of his tail had an open patch of scarred tissue with a slight kink near the tip giving him the impression of a fisherman waving his hook through the water.

"I'm sorry for how my wife treated you back up at the cave. We weren't expecting a guest so soon."

The guide's focus on the path ahead didn't waver. "No need for bad feelings. Your mate's words are nothing compared to The Elder's wrath when angered. I've dealt with worse in the past."

Castor was silent again and instead turned his attention to his surroundings as they traveled. He managed to catch brief glimpses inside some of the large, strange mounds of hardened dirt and clay that opened towards the main path on one side. Some contained hanging herbs and plants, while others held chunks of colored, salt-based minerals. From one of the largest mounds, Castor's stomach rumbled as he and the guide passed by. Inside were racks and carved, clay shelves with dried strips and chunks of ceratoro meat. A blazing fire at the center wafted smoke up through a chimney-like funnel, spreading the aroma of its contents far and wide. The distance between Castor and the guide had widened in his sightseeing, and so he sped up to close the gap as the central tower grew ever closer.

"Why are none of the supplies here guarded? Wouldn't you expect thieves to take advantage of that?" Castor called out, hazarding a return back to the main path with the density of moving bodies decreasing the farther they walked.

"There is no stealing here. For one to try would mean to face The Elder, and that I can assure you would only happen exactly once in their life. All is gathered and shared in proportion to need. Young have the highest need. Then the elderly. Then those like us. Even mates are shared during Season."

"Excuse me? Come again on that last part?" Castor barked out in disgust, digging his hind feet gently into the dirt and freezing in place. The guide paused as well, with an agitated flick of his tongue and a slight narrowing of his eyes.

"During Season males can choose to stay with a female after they have paired, or seek other potential mates as well. Typically only those who have successfully reared a previous brood are accepted to breed among many. Hatchlings are our collected responsibility, and it is welcome to provide extra care for a female who may be gravid. You may find yourself with a favorable status next Season should others continue seeing you care for the little hatchling I spooked earlier."

The concept matched Castor's observations of some males rubbing alongside multiple females on the surface to show interest in them. However, Castor had no inclination of ever choosing a mate beyond Phoebe. He had made that life-long pledge to her when they were both still human. Castor would not compromise what they shared together over this change in their appearance. "Have you ever reared a brood of your own?" Castor asked.

"No." the guide answered with a quick, sharp turn that brought his tail whipping forward to strike Castor across the side of the neck in its passing. "We are here. We should not keep The Elder waiting."

Castor shook the sting of the guide's blow off, stifled a growl in his throat, and ran ahead, cutting off the guide's path with a firm stare into his blazing eyes.

"What's your problem? I don't even know your name." A pair of yangul leaving the rocky tower diverted away to the opposite side of the path to avoid the growing incident.

"The only problem here is the one you're fueling by wasting mine and The Elder's time with this right now. My name is Kahzur. Now let's go." Kahzur resumed his forward progress, nearly barreling over Castor with his single-minded purpose.


Phoebe reigned Rigel back to her side with a gentle grab of his tail in her snout when he nearly toppled into a large, clay bowl while investigating its contents. Exploring The Heart had somewhat taken her mind off the incident from the morning, and she had learned much from observing the other residents and travelers of this hub. The first stop for most travelers was to the caves to rest or to bask in the nearby available areas. When they were content with that, they'd proceed down into the center of the city and partake of any food that was made publicly available. The mastery of the yangul over distinctly human technologies like fire was mind-blowing to behold. If anyone on Teranovus had observed such a feat they would have been regarded much differently than relegating them to simple, mindless beasts.

Near one of the sloped edges at the outskirts of The Heart, yangul youth were busy scaling up and down some of the steep, slopes. They tested their balance hopping from stone to stone or exploring within long, narrow passageways waiting to scare an unsuspecting passer-by. Rigel wiggled from nose to tail and bounded around his mother, his excitement at all of the potential fun too much for his body to handle. He looked up at his mother, and opened his mouth.

"Play?" Rigel chirped to his mother, the transmitted intent clear in the soft sound. To add further emphasis to his point, he swung his neck towards where the others were lining up to climb a particularly challenging slope peppered with embedded rocks. "Play!" he chirped again much louder.

Phoebe lowered her neck, licked across the top of his skull with her tongue, then blew a warm breath at him. "My sweet little guy, I don't know. That may not be best right now." Rigel slumped forward into a heap on the ground.

"He'll be fine. It's good to let them get a chance to be with others for a while. If they fall down every now and again that happens too. Better here than on the surface while trying to escape from danger."

Phoebe wheeled around to see a stockily built yangul female eyeing Rigel with a smile. Curiously, she had a few speckles of golden scales at her neck mixed into her otherwise normal sandy brown and black coloration.

"Young are everyone's responsibility so there will be eyes keeping watch if anything looks like it's getting too rough. Even if you both are strangers here, you can be assured that he will stay protected."

"Who are you?" Phoebe questioned, turning her body defensively to the side in front of Rigel.

"I'm Fayburim, and you are called Phoebe correct?" she hummed with a pleased smirk.

"I am. How do you know my name?"

"" Rigel piped in, the new sounds shaky off his tongue as he planted his forefeet on top of his mother's leg.

"Word travels fast through The Heart. For as many new faces we get each day, we try and welcome and know all who share our walls here."

"Play??" Rigel pleaded, pacing back and forth between his mother's legs.

"Trust me. He's safe. I have something I wish to show you. It's not far from here." Fayburim voiced with a sweetness like warm honey to her tone.

Phoebe looked over at the other youngsters enjoying themselves. It's a new life. New rules now. She nudged Rigel's flank forward with a smile.

"Stay with them until I return or you see your father."

With another nudge forward he understood and was off like a little lightning bolt to join the others. They quickly gathered around to assess this new potential addition to their fold and a flurry of interested chirps, squeaks, and rumbles followed.

"Come. Let's give him space to find his way." Fayburim said, turning to lead Phoebe through a smaller off-shoot from the main path.


With Fayburim at the head and Phoebe following closely behind, the two made their way within one of the many unassuming arched entranceways etched into the rock, as they wound behind the slopes. Down several dim corridors they traveled, spiraling lower and lower into the ground. The ground was warm, much as it had felt traveling across the sandy deserts on the surface. But unlike the desert the air here was humid and damp. Among the prevailing scent of ancient rock and dust Phoebe could also detect the scent of fresh water ahead. Their eyes quickly adjusted to the near darkness, and a minute later Phoebe spied a pale-blue shimmer on the walls ahead.

With a turn, the chamber opened up to reveal a pocket of scattered hot-springs, pooled here from an ancient aquifer heated by a vein of molten rock further below. Light was more scarce here than from above, with only a few narrow pockets illuminating the space. A larger pool was at the rear of the multiple house-sized chambers along with stacked piles of dried leaves and other plant material forming rounded platforms. Bedding.

"What is this place?" Phoebe asked as she touched her nose to one of the warm pools.

"The Waters of Ease. This is where I assist mothers-to-be when it comes time for them to lay. The heat and moisture will often be enough to help encourage the natural processes. There are others who have the same role as I, but they are currently away assisting a pressing matter." Fayburin answered with the pleasant honey feeling following behind her words again.

"Were you assisted like this with yours?" Phoebe inquired.

Fayburin glanced down at the pool of water beside Phoebe, carefully studying her reflection.

"I wish. I am empty inside and unable to have a brood of my own. For whatever reason, this is my burden to bare. It is sometimes bittersweet to see their joy as they create a future for themselves.

"I'm sorry. The way you were looking at the kids back there, I thought at least one of them were.."

"Like I said, the young are our collective responsibility, although there is a certain pride that comes from knowing it is yours. There was a time when I had a mate at my side. I chose him time and time again each Season hoping that I was wrong, and that I could produce for him. He could have gone to others, but he always stayed with me.

But time has a way of changing us. It wears us down just like the water here eroded the rock away to form these pools and even the foundations of The Heart itself. My mate blamed himself for failing to produce, and decided to leave my cave, hoping that some other could give me what he could not. I took several other mates the next Season. None were like him. At the end the result was the same and my nest was still empty. He's at The Elder's side now, and so I only rarely catch glimpses of him. There's so much I want to say to him, but I don't even know if he'll listen. Coming here helps me figure out what I need to do when I'm unsure."

"Sounds to me you would be better off saying something and living with the potential hurt of his rejection, rather than continue to hurt yourself with this silence. The worst thing that can happen is you learn that you don't need to devote energy to a potential mate who isn't doing the same for you."

Fayburim considered Phoebe's advice and hummed. "You are right. I think that will be the best path. Thank you for hearing me out Phoebe. I've enjoyed this time with you. Let's return back to your little one. I'm sure he'll be tired out by now. The little ones have a tendency to push to their limits and then some. I trust you'll come visit my cave before you depart from The Heart?"

"I'll be sure to Fayburim. Thanks for being so welcoming when all of this is still quite new."

"One last question before we go. It's been something on my mind since the other day when I heard that metal-builders were now adopting our form. Why leave behind what you knew to be like us? Ever since your people came here we've had to adjust many of our ways to stay hidden from your eye. I'm sure until yesterday we were thought to be like any other creature on the planet. So why lose what you had in exchange for this?"

Phoebe lifted one of her forelimbs and examined her scales and claws before setting it back down on the ground.

"If I had to choose one word for it..I'd say family. In doing this we've escaped the scourge. Castor determined that the yangul, what we call your kind, is immune to the effects of the spores carrying the disease. Castor is a bright man, with a good heart. Sometimes he's a little over the top, but he's always put me and Rigel first. That's why I chose him all those years ago, and I continue to stay at his side even in this new body. I trust him to do what is right even if that is difficult. Now I won't have to lie awake at night anymore wondering if my boy will be taken away from me by the quarantine teams. For all that we lost in changing our bodies, there is a kind of peace that we have now that wasn't there before. Experiencing new things with those you love is what makes life worth living."

Fayburin's eyes were pensive as she processed Phoebe's words, then she dipped her massive paw into the pool in front of her, scattering her reflection.

"Castor sounds like a good mate. Be sure to keep him close."


Kahzur had left Castor in front of the The Elder's private chambers to attend to other matters. Castor wasn't sure if Kahzur even knew what the meaning of staying still was, and with the same grace he had displayed on the path he vanished down a lengthy hallway. Castor entered the threshold leading into the large space decorated with plants from nearly every corner of Teranovus. Discarded panels from old colony construction projects redirected light to various parts of the room, with one far corner receiving an abundant supply onto an enormous, flattened stone. A personal basking area fit for a ruler no doubt. Seeing the human technology melded into the yangulian aesthetic was both jarring and inspiring.

The Elder was present at the center of his chamber, alert with a stoic, focused gaze given to countless other guests received here. The Elder was both battle-worn and regal in the same way that a mountain fills its viewer with a resplendent sense of awe despite all the years of storm and erosion etched across its surface.

"Greetings once more Castor." he bellowed, the vibrations thrumming through every part of Castor's body. "I trust that you and your family slept well."

"Yes. My family and I are grateful for your welcome Elder. Is that your preferred term to be addressed by?"

"I had a clutch-name long ago, but it was given up the same time I assumed this role. Elder is fine. We have much to discuss and I don't wish to waste your time. Please tell me more about the situation back among your group."

The great, ragged leader laid down as Castor retold the story of the emergence of scourge, the desperate attempts made to quell public panic, his own research, the news of Trisha's infection, and the threat of the council restricting his research on the yangul prompting his drastic step to convert his family to prove his research. When Castor was finished, The Elder had a sharpness to his gaze as he looked up towards one of the shining panels. He peered ahead, assembling and piecing together what kind of future would lay ahead for both their races if Castor's assertions should prove true.

"Castor, I ask you, do you know what it takes to lead a people as ancient as the dwellers you call Yangul?"

"Sacrifice. A good leader must be willing to sacrifice what is necessary for the good of everyone, even if that comes at great cost. I have felt that I have condemned my friend to an unnecessary death with what I chose to do by helping my family instead of her. It admittedly scared me how quickly I made that choice. I didn't hesitate to do what was needed." Castor answered.

"Keeping that fear close will steady your resolve when others might otherwise waver, but no, sacrifice is not most important. Compassion is. Compassion should inform all decisions a leader makes. You must feel in order to be present for your people. Even for your worst enemies, you must acknowledge them as fighting for their own dreams. Should you ever lose sight of that, should your wants ever distance you from the voices and needs of your people, your time as leader is over. You become a ruler instead. A ruler leads for themselves first, and does not truly stand alongside their own.

When I was a youth with horns barely sprouted I ventured to the surface. While exploring near one of the colonies of the metal-builders, I found myself stuck in a hunting trap meant for a ceratoro. A man had rushed out from his den hearing my cries, and had trained one of his booming funnels at me. However, hearing my cries of pain he instead decided to cut off my mangled digit and free me.

Helping you is an opportunity to repay back the debt to that unknown metal-builder. I only hope that doing so will bring all of us closer together. If our blood does indeed hold the key to relieving this disease then that shall be the leverage to pave the way towards understanding. I will send you with a small group of some of my warriors and from them you will have what you need to complete your research.

However, should any of them fall while under your care, the blood will be on your snout and it will be paid in full by the metal-builders." The Elder warned.

"I understand Elder. You won't be disappointed."


The Elder educated Castor on the ways of the Yangul, their traditions and stories, and some of the major events of the planet's history. The family became known within The Heart, and over time residents from across Teranovus came around to see them. Many were more curious than fearful about life within the metal walls, and so it was often the case that Castor would share insights into human life in public areas with those who would listen. The Elder was pleased by Castor's ability to build trust, and was confident in his decision to place Castor as the ambassador of his people.

Phoebe and Rigel had also acclimated well to this new life. Phoebe spent time with Fayburim, learning much about the preparations involved in caring for mothers and their offspring. Rigel had playmates, and would often wander back up to their cave with the rest of his little gang as the last beams of light faded from the city. He was happy and safe here, and that was all any parent could ever wish for their child.

When it came time for the trio to finally depart, they were met at the open entrance to The Heart with many of the yangul they had come to know. Fayburim nuzzled Phoebe's neck, and the two embraced. The Elder was present, and with him was a small band of four of his mightiest yangul warriors along with Kahzur standing present and ready to follow Castor's lead on their journey to the surface. Rigel was away from everyone else, lying flat on a rock as he watched some of his new friends having fun climbing the rocky slopes together. Phoebe nudged his chin back up, guiding him forward to meet up with the rest of the group. Hopefully when all of this was said and done they could return here she thought. For now, it was time to go.


The full blaze of the twin suns was upon them again, but Castor maintained a quick pace at the head of the group. The other yangul in his band were vigilant for any signs of danger, walking two-by-two across the sands except for Rigel who elected to be further forward or back depending on his mood. By late afternoon the metal walls of the colony had come into view, ominous and striking against the otherwise natural landscape.

"Cas...torr Rey...nolds. ID: 9...3...2...8...7...4" Castor spoke into the recognition software. The words came difficult around his snout with his new vocal chords combined with the lack of practice from speaking in the yangulian way.

"Processing...processing....welcome back Mr. Reynolds."

The gate retracted back into its available recess within the ceiling, and Castor and his group paraded into the city to the shocked horror of the inhabitants. Immediately people began sprinting towards their homes as rapidly as their legs would carry them. Some stayed plastered to the walls fearing to move at all. Their fear was expected, and so all laid down together there in the middle of the street as discussed.

"I am...Castor...Reynolds. Lead...scientist. I am...changed. I am....still me. The Yangul...wish well...for us. We...bring the...cure. Scourge...will more."

Castor repeated his message over and over, staying immobile until one of his assistants in the lab tentatively approached from the street.


Castor turned his head in the assistant's direction, his red and brown eyes full of hope that this plan would actually come together.

"Great ghosts of Earth that is you." he spoke with trembling lips

"Take lab. Answers files." Castor pleaded.


Chancellor Trence eyed the bowl of ripened orange and yellow fruit in front of him, carefully selecting the largest piece to enjoy. There was a fervent knocking at the door, and he slid the bowl away and beckoned the guest inside. It was one of the councilmen with panicked eyes and labored breath.

"Great Chancellor, I'm sorry to interrupt, but it appears that Castor has returned. I can't believe it. It seems he..."

A firm wave of Trence's purple-robed hand silenced him.

"I am well aware of the situation, and it shall be dealt with. Gather everyone at once. This must end here and now. We're out of time."