too war

T o o with draw {a} {b} {s} {o} {l} {u} {t} remorse by razzer claw too with draw."to remove one self," absolute. "unrestricted," remorse.

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August 1: My Return to Minasato

Even though tora said all that, i still couldn't shake off that feeling of remorse i had. would they really miss me that much? or would my sudden appearance just become a nuisance to them?


Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 38

Once there was a time he would have killed his older brother, and felt a deep, inconsolable remorse, carefully hidden away from the ones he loved. but now... now that time was gone. that ander was gone.

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The pain, regret and remorse never left her side. still she continued on walking, silently as a graveyard. "wait up!!" she flipped around and searched, "fen?!" no one was there. the forest floor was as empty as she felt her life was.

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Heritage of Ash: Chapter 5, Fading Light

From atop the ramparts, larkiin looked down at he remorseful scene.

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I watch the world turn, watch the waves churn and crash with unbridled force to take everything and leave no remorse. with many tears shed, with wishes of the dead, let us not linger anymore for life holds light no more.

Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 129

Once there was a time he would have killed his older brother, and felt a deep, inconsolable remorse, carefully hidden away from the ones he loved. but now... now that time was gone. that ander was gone.

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Shelled and Covered Life

Trustworthiness lost to those who truly can feel without pain, can feel without remorse. but conversely, truth lost to those who can't trust who feel, whether by fault or by choice.

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Choas (arco story)

He snarted and bit the head master head off without remorse as later i take control and see blood on me and skeleton and men came with guns i was scared so i camo with surrounding as use it t escape


Emotional state

Livid, terrified overwhelmed brought into perspective denial, renounce remorse is it fear of retaliation that leads to secrets? reserved, secluded alone afraid to express broken, beaten ashamed is it fear of loss that leads to seclusion?

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GoD-Ep32-Confronting the Source-

The queen had gotten roman to wake up with remorse in his eyes that were visible to the others as she sort of sobbed a bit her kids comforting her.

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My Curse

#5 of poems and such a poem done by me she had turned and walked away, left with remorse in her heart she had waited for me but no longer she once asked me if i loved her and silence was my reply knowing i may die alone never seemed to bother me