Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.2 - Hell Hath No Fury

When the thug came running for another swing, murata threw the bat to make him dodge, then grabbed the fallen taser nearby to stab in the leg and send agonising volts rippling through the gangster who poleaxed to the side.

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I, Dacien -- Chapter Twenty: Displacement

"poleaxed?" offered general morgan. "i feel that way." "yes," said general brokk. "stunned and alarmed. lord hunt contacted lord chimes to substantiate every point. "alarmed does not begin to describe it," said general liulfr.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.6 - A New Challenger

Landing on her back, she breakdanced with her legs straightening above until she was spinning on her head, before she stabbed the harpoon in the ground to poleaxe herself upright.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War

The dragon howled from the boot through his neck, as he poleaxed into the bar feet first to slam his knees against the counter, before kiryu elbow-dropped his head.

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