The Morning After (Part 1)

Without missing a beat, he stepped right into the wall and was promptly greeted by his fellow patriots. something needed to be done and they were the ones to do it. to be continued...


A Furry Love Story - Politics of Creation

They used all their energy to revive the same fears that were prevalent in what were thought to be long-dead groups like the ku klux klan, the aryan nations, the national organization for marriage and the tea party patriots.

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An Ode to Canada

And now, time for a very patriotic poem. there is a country i call home, one that sits on the earth's frozen dome. it's canada, land of snow and ice, but one i wouldn't give it up for any price.


Heritage of Ash Chapter 6: Conspiring Minds

So much for patriotism, eh? a few well placed rumors here, an assassinated daughter there, add a few well placed bodies, and before you know it, you've got a power vacuum.

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A Libertine Looks Forward

The mechanical stage puts on a patriotic performance of a phoenix taking down a dragon as icons of faith, including the tree of life representing the pagans and the druid priests, orbit the phoenix as both weapons and shield as the flame of truth banishes

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The Meeting

I say patriotically. "i needed my coffee! so now i am here, let's go!" when she said that, i put the key in the ignition, turned it 'start' and listened as the 5.7litre 360" hemi roared to life.

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The Discovery

Instead, the music of megadon was patriotic fare provided by the government proclaiming the glory of those ancient heroes who fought for the solar federation in its conquest of the outer planets, five decades prior.

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The Way the Wind Blows

The first thing that woke the poor fox from his idealistic stupor about the christian faith was a sermon he attended by a lion minister in decatur, georgia promising that "god would grant victory to the americans", a sentiment which echoed well with the patriotic

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Monster Called Man

We can curb and stymy the existence of some values--like the power or beauty of animals, and we can espouse others like the human soul, or empathy, or progress, or patriotism--but it is not our place to dictate what grows any more than it is our successors

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Sins of the 'Virtuous'

I bet nobody in the government knew that he, the 'patriotic' man, was selling all of our secrets to the brilaser." i recalled lowering my head to refocus my eyes. my head started to ache, but i was so used to the pain i was easily able to ignore it.

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A Hero of War

Growing up in a patriotic family was great, and my family almost pushed me into the recruiting office when i said i was thinking of joining the army.

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Rust Belt Tails II: And the Stars Look Down

The vandalism of the mosque came as a powerful reminder that many would question the patriotism of abdul-aziz and his fellow muslims even though they loved america unquestionably.

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