Sins of the 'Virtuous'

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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I grunted in pain as the badger officer flung me into the metal chair. I could tell the badger was getting tired of my silence; I had been in the interrogation room for over an hour and hadn't answered any of his questions. It was clear as day how agitated he was getting with the passing of each half hour. He started rapping his paws against the table far more aggressively than the other two officers who had questioned me earlier, both of which also received no responses. As I watched the frustrated badger, I just sat there grinning like a wild beast, knowing what he expected or more appropriately wished me to do.

"Mr. Kroyer, I am going to ask you again, why did you murder those people. We caught you doing it, so tell us why!" The snarled, glaring down at me.

I just smirked and glared back at the officer. I could feel a slight stinging starting in my right shoulder from where I hit the chair, but I ignored the discomfort while the badger had his attention on me.

The brawny cop turned away and sighed while pressing a paw up against his forehead. "Why must you be so stubborn? Just tell us what we need to know,"

While the badger looked away, I rolled my right shoulder to loosen it up. I grinned widely as my paw brushed up against a metal object, a key of some sort. I wrapped my digits around it and shoved the key into my garbs.

By the time he turned back around, I had the key safe and secure. "I'm going to give you one more possibility to confess tonight before I call in your death sentence," The cop sighed softly looking back at me. "Would you please speak coyote? There still might be a chance to save your life."

I looked up at him and grinned. "You really wish to know what was going through my mind when I killed those people. What pushed me to the edge that made me end their pathetic lives?" I cocked my head to the side awaiting his response.

"I want to know why you killed those senate and congress members," The badger snarled slamming his hands down on the table in from of me.

As I gazed into his mossy green eyes, I could tell that he didn't like me saying what I said about the politicians. "If you could see what I can see you'd understand why I killed them. Do you want to know what I can see?" I asked focusing my eyes into the badger's now.

"What are you getting at?" The cop asked obviously thinking I'm mental.

"I can see everything: every single lie, every person harmed, and every single sin committed. Who should I start with... oh, how about Senator Czerny?" I grinned aggressively leaning forward in my chair. As I focused on the times of the past, my eye sight started to fade.

"I'm sure you know about her intent on protecting children, but I bet you don't know less than a year after making it her slogan she now only disowned, but nearly killed her son. Nobody ever did anything. Everyone just turn away from what happened. Where is the justice in that?"

As the memory faded back into the darkness, my vision came back to find the badger's shocked and disbelieving face fixed upon me.

"Should I do another politician next or shall I start with your lies?" I asked sitting straight in my chair. I smirked looking up at the badger and waited for his choice. When no response came I shrugged my shoulders to the best of my ability. "Oh, what the hell, let's begin with Congressman Ried. I bet nobody in the government knew that he, the 'patriotic' man, was selling all of our secrets to the Brilaser." I recalled lowering my head to refocus my eyes. My head started to ache, but I was so used to the pain I was easily able to ignore it.

The badger cop, on the other hand, began putting the pieces together and regained his composure. Despite this, his green eyes were flooded with fear and curiosity. "What have I done wrong?" The cop asked as he walked up to the opposite side of the table as me.

Watching him trying to put on a brace face, while letting emotions take control of his gently twitching paws, brought a devious smile to my face. "You haven't done anything that wrong, but you still have lied to so many to avoid being looked down upon," I murmured darkly glaring into the badger's past.

Before I could say anything else, I felt the cop's massive paws grip a hold of my neck and slam me face first into the table. "Don't you dare say another word about me, you lying cur," The badger snarled pulling me away from the table. "And matter of fact, I think you should be going back to your cell."

The badger dragged me back to my secluded cell, cursing at me the whole way. Within moments of reaching it, the cop tossed me into the cell and he slammed the door shut. Not going to waste a moment, I jumped up and dived towards the bars. I grinned like a psyco as the badger leaped back in surprise. "Even though I may be in this metal prison, it won't stop the killing. There are more like me out there and they feel the same way as I do. More will die and there is nothing you will be able to do about it."

I laughed softly as I watched the badger retreat from the area. Upon hearing the door shut, I dug the key out from my cloth. Soon I will be free again and may god have mercy on the sinners of this world.