Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 11

If this madstone came form the same place the amulet of bonebreath had, it was not going to be easy to find. \* \* \* "so the army was hiding out at pale pass?" nusha asked.

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Arionne biography

The ribbons are pale cream color with pink in the center, while the tapes are pale cream with pink and blue tips. she sends a soothing aura of these sensations to soothe fights, and also uses them to "hold hands" with humans.


Ragnarok - XVIII

There instead of glazing or mosaic on the domes of creamy marble higher than the sky the vines bore leaves twice wider than a man and pale transparently in every rich sad color of autumn.

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Lost pt.1

She smiled back at him, and the expression seemed to bring her pale grey eyes to light, glimmering behind her pale blue locks of hair. she pulled a watch out of on of the bags on nova's back. "it's almost twelve."

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Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)

Tammy sat up, looking at toni with her pale green eyes. he stared back with his pale blue eyes. "i had the dream again. with the black cat." tammy explained, shivering a little bit.

Commission: The Hunter (Shadow Run Commission)

The dark vulpine reminded his partner drawing a rolling eye from the pale fox. "how many computers are in that company?

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Chapter 1

By now, the moon had begun to rise, its pale glow leaving a track of silver on the sea and dousing everything in a soft ivory glow.

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Westwood 4

Pearson still locked eyes, jess no longer afraid to stare into that pale, white eye.

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In the shape, size and spacing of their pale yellow eyes. even in the specifics of their fur coat.

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Tirin and Rendurix

Upon closer examination, the sleeping forms were that of two equine, one of jet black fur and the other of a pale blue. the pale blue was the larger of the two, and held onto his mate gently in his arms.

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The Princess and the Goth

His clothes were stripped and his make up smeared over his pale skin. the young visigoth was 16, scrawny, but undaunted in spirit. maybe that was why paradise was drawn to the rebel.

I will return

If hair is like a waterfall then a golden one fell from her head; her skin was pale so pale like snow, i had waited for the return before i knew she joined the dead.
