File #3 - "Tension"

Exclaimed doctor braveheart, sat in the other seat at the front as captain greyfell looked out to the overworked vessel, standing directly behind him. he was not wrong.

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)

She had an attack one day when they overworked her. she had told them she couldn't go on any further, that she couldn't breathe, so they yelled at her and sent her off to her room with no dinner.

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Gorthorn: Chapter 8: Adaptation

"you really shouldn't overwork yourself to the point where you can't be social." "i guess what's not getting through, is that, i am different from other people, sire. i don't need as much companionship. and if you wanted, i would try this.

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Origin: Ty

Every time i had to drop a set, every time i was knocked out of the arena, every time i threw up from overworking myself at the gym. it was never enough. everyone else could coast by.

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The Curse of Immortality

He had seen men living in squalid conditions, mere skeletons on a shrinking garment of diseased skin dying in prisons from overwork.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 16

You've overworked your muscles.' mansa said in an attempt to change the topic. benjamin quietly sipped the cup of water. besides the sorrow he had for his sister, he also had a burning question to ask. 'mansa, i saw things before i woke up...'

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Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Two

She would simply save her energy for when she really needed or desired something and act as if she was being overworked. she placed the shirt onto her work small workstation to begin the bore some task once again.

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The Catalyst, Ch. 2

"ackh, he's overworking me kael. has me slaving away for the pittance that is minimum wage!" from the kitchen, his dad's barely audible shout issued forth. "i'm paying for your college, pendeho!"

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 1-2 - by Skyfox

After several moments to compose herself and relax her overworked pulse she decided to venture another look, and closed her eyes again. there in front of her, as real as anything she'd ever seen, she saw stars.


The Servant Cat

I could see beyond their form and flesh, see what they were in truth - young, little boys, being beaten and overworked on fields they could not at all recognize. boys masquerading as animals and puppets masquerading as people.

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Life of the Plate

His arms and legs weren't any longer, and his head (and his poor overworked mouth) were no larger either. he was just massively overfull, bloated, and hungrier than ever.

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Infernal Intro

You see, i overwork at my job. my body is like another being that tells me indirectly what to do. today, it begged me to slow down and stop running. i didn't. when i got home from work, i collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion.

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