The Beginning

Sorin Markov and content related to Magic: The Gathering is copyrighted to Wizards of the West Coast. Sorin (the furry) is mine. This is sort of an background story for my fursona, Sorin. If gives a small insight into how he became what...

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Klothys was livid. Her hairs, the strands that connected all things from the heights of Nyx to the depths of the Underworld, were caught ablaze with a fiery light. For the briefest moment all beings, be them god or mortal, felt her wrath, her...

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Chase found himself. All the insecurity, all the self-hatred, of not being good enough, of not being as unique as his friends. Fuck that. He knew who he was, and he was ready to show exactly what that entailed. At the shores of the...

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The dog and the cuttlefish

Saggal's nose twitched. It was a meaningless gesture when one's awareness was synonimous with light itself, reaching into the furthest edges of the vastness of space, but the _thing_'s odour was potent, a nauseating void that infused the...

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Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas

It's why i do google translates mtg on twitter, it's why i love those old flash cartoons where colin mochrie has a kung fu fight with jesus while songs in dutch get misheard in the subtitles, and it's why i decided to see if any other writers from the voice

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The Ballad of Terry Chaplet

Yes, i designed mtg cards for each of these characters. i designed cards for each of the player characters too. i built commander decks for some of them!

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_"Thank you, my friend, for coming."_ _"He is safe? He found his way to you without being hurt?"_ _"He is unhurt. It is a dangerous world to walk in but he came to no harm."_ _"Good. He's already known too much suffering."_ _"What is 'too much?'...

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