Gryphon Delivers Pizza (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the gryphon leaned over a bit, to give her geo metro's cassette deck a frustrated whack. she was still cold from the rain, tired from the road, and stung by the eagle's words.

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Identity: Cast of Characters

Homicide _garrett dyckert_; coyote; actor _scarlett lewis_; coyote; ned's partner at sf metro _olympia rogan_; wolf; british socialite _mikey ross_;?

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Escape From This Crazy Dream, Prolouge A

Shane headed back to the metro station, took the train back to new carrolton, and drove home.

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Auch wenn man noch versuchte nach der lknappheit alternative antriebsmittel zu finden, siegte schließlich die metro und breitete sich in den grenzen der stadt aus.

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Out The Door

I tossed the can into the recycle bin and stepped in to metro that had just arrived.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 11: Gentle Steps

There was something unique about metros in barrowisle. they didn't just go all underground; some lines were placed aboveground or even higher than the ground, making it look like some kind of a metro-train mix.

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A Growing City

She figured it was a metro like any other. people enter, people look at the map, and people ride patiently, in their own isolated sphere of reality until they reach their destination. the problem was the crowds.

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The Legend of the Lost City part 3.

, si solo subimos unos cuantos escalones y caminos varios metros. -sf-no lo se, pero creo que estamos atrapados hasta que encontremos ese cristal, regresemos por donde entramos.

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Five

Medea had declared war on san fernando's powerful, and apparently had every intention of making life for sf metro miserable. and now garrett was shown to have abnormal skills at martial arts.

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Metro 176: Pt.2

metro 176 (pt.2) location: local american village time: 715 date: october 29 ~the purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live ~ayn rand i stare at the loaded magnum in my, my hand loading another .357

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 43: On the Question of Standing Still

They tapped their phones at the gate and stepped into the metro. tom didn't sit, but he looked less tense than before. max wasn't sure why was he so tense. they descended the metro at hallestead station.

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A metro train rumbled past, hidden from view by the old, fading apartment blocks lining the opposite pavement.

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