The World We Live In Character Reference - Narati Vasra

_character background_: narati escaped his pack's massacre, alone, cold, and scared. he was 7 at that time and wore nothing except a loincloth wrapped around his essentials.

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Thrive or your atrocious butchery bears their horrible deliverance arctic massacre eighty-four parallel discoveries farther south distressing rise new cliffs t.

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A Virtual Wish, Chapter Three

"i'm not in the 'massacre people' mood, thank you very much." "i never said you were. i simply said i though it would be a nice welcoming committee." i throw my hands in the air. "so who's getting massacred?" "well, who else do you see here?

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Venturing: A Talent and Colors

Would it have any connections to the twenty-year massacre that happened before? will history repeat itself? i had always wonder...

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Eyewatch: Fider Fox

"but how does it go for the theater massacre that happened two weeks ago? was it the same blizeon who planted see in another fox or dragon, transforming him or her into a tentacle monster?"

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 13

"i prefer the art of direct kill and massacre, if that suited you."

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Scenes like a massacre, a cheating husband, a patient in hospice, the scenes of so much inspiration. a skull getting cracked, a scene of horror, has more adjectives, then a love scene. is this all pointless?


The sundering and the creation of the Space league uniformed troopers (SLUT)

The silence continued for an entire week before the cause of the sound was revealed as masses of vara, using the rescue ships they had taken from the massacred crews, stormed planet after planet, leaving almost no one alive, the few males that survived being


Miharra's Battle

"your people thought you a benevolent being and one of love and caring but here you stand in the wake of death and you are the sole perpetrator of this massacre. how does it feel to go against all you once stood for?


In Utter Darkness: Chapter 2: It Begins

Since the massacre, the threat level system had been changed to something a little more understandable. what caught my eye was that the threat level had been changed to "omega." this was not good at all.

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The Warring World

Not even the massacre at wildeledge where a raiding party of a thousand were put do death. it could not stop their resistance. battle and battle after battle the jaguar failed to conquer the frostwolves on their field, their armies humbled and broken.

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Once upon a time

They began taking every male from the towns, children even, and began to train them, they trained and trained till the brink of death, then......the massacre began.

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