The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia

We had argued quite a bit about how to approach our final march.

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Resolutions - Part 3 - March

Resolutions (part 3) march: birthdays and parties by al song march 23rd, 2015 i had a great time hanging out with my roommates and nathan during valentine's day.

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Daemon - Chapter 6 (The March to Rengilar)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* we marched for ten hours, stopping only briefly at midday to allow everyone to eat and rest for a short while before continuing on. another ten hours march and we would be within sptting distance of the base of the mountain.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

march of progress murphy raised the whiskey glass to his snout again. his claw wanted to tighten around it, but he feared he might break the glass. cuts were the last thing the alligator needed now, with his leg already aching like a son of a bitch.

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 11: The Enemy Marches

"instead of sitting here and giving everyone some proper rest we should've just kept marching on. so when the enemy attacks us we would be too tired to even raise our shields." "oh, i'm sorry cola. i didn't know marching was too hard for a beagle."

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U.O.P.I. (Sneak peek) Bluey's nightmare.

-a dark old voice- we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die.... we march, we fight, we die....

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FFTA:FC Chapter 4

Who the kup- marche?!?!" the human dug around in his memory to pin the voice to a name, but it was eluding him by the barest of margins. "it is you, marche!!!"

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A Meeting

'no apology needed, i am march three, a pleasure to meet you.' 'likewise.' 'do please sit down, mr three,' said my mother. 'i've just made a pot of tea.' march took a seat and took a mug in his paw.

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Black Sepia - chapter 7

The streets were not exactly thronged along the march's route. most of those who really cared were out in the road, marching. but there were some observers, and many of them were full of smiles and cheerful waves. some, however, were not.

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Band Changelings Part 4

Pupa cuts her off "well i also heard that you were planning to attack as a marching band.

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