William Grand Schmit

#5 of tsociety profile database profile: william grand schmit skillset: phishing, virus and malware coding, stock trading, simple social engineering age: 32 height: 5 11" gender: m sextuality: hetero species: tabby cat danger level: 5, is able to effectively


Trent diolang Schmit

#2 of tsociety profile database profile: trent diolang schmit skillset:sms spoofing, malware coding, wifi hacking, calligraphy, electrical engineering, data science, close quarter combat, info gathering, cryptography, mediocre social engineering, remote


The hack: chapter 5 (Kit)

Sure enough furon was no longer selling any encryption keys and people were talking about what happened and the malware was found and everyone could see the message that was left for the ransom.

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The Transformation of Fargus

The digital world is malware territory." thorn wasn't sure what to do with his victim at first. he knew he couldn't simply let him go, and he didn't really want to kill him. he could infect him... but somehow, it didn't seem to be sufficient.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: First Tale

Time to close out of this thing and run a malware scan. lockely clicked the x in the corner of the browser. nothing happened. he tried alt f4. still nothing. he pushed the power button the tower but the pc wouldn't shut off.

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Root Directory

The two malware hunters hot in pursuit certainly weren't. was the rapid _tack-chick-chick_ of their hundreds of segmented limbs closer? root dared not send a ping behind him to check. probability of evading them? at this pace, 02.354%.

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The hack: chapter 1( Aron)

"oh, good" "though i would like you to explain the malware you have to complete for your friends on the chat" i said clearly seeing the messages in the group chat.

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Switch Failure

As he loaded up his new malware kit, and looked for things available for his two targets, he did not understand the two exploits he selected. it seemed that a change in computer architecture had taken place.

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Maverick Hotel Part 5

I simply went to one of the public computers, uploaded the malware and virus files, did a few searches on pious and left harold washington swiftly.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 3

Is it some form of malware?" james asked. /\* "_it is identical in nature to all other language files--apparently we have been given the ability to communicate with an unknown species._" \*/ "unknown...maybe they just told us who they are.

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Episode 10A: A God's Gambit

"they've lost their way," o'mara muttered, reaching out with her mind and latching onto the terminal like malware. it resisted her, but she blew right through the firewalls, past all of its lockouts, and straight into its primary programming.

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