The truth in the clouds

I imagine myself in his arms, one last time, in my wolves loving embrace, i feel a cold tickle run up my spine, crawling upwards, its every touch expanding over me, numbing me, feeling nothing more but a cold lonliness, i let go of love, to

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TItle in Progress ~ Prologue

Thunder crashed, wind howled as a dark figure maneuvered its way through a forest in the midst of a storm. The creature was swift and quiet, making no more than a small patter on the ground that was quickly masked with the sound of the falling rain....

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Gildedtongue's Story, Chapter 4

Shi climbed onto all four legs, looking out of the bars to the hallway, whining to hirself, feeling lonliness growing heavily, knowing what shi did has made hir a monster.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 3

._ _unable to befriend her beloved ponies due to their fear of her - filled with lonliness and desperation - she sought friendship elsewhere, in an outsider.

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Alone and Drifting

No more lonliness, no more uselessness. just a broken unicorn gone from the world. nopony would notice. nopony would care. but somepony did notice.

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Bull an' Fox -01 We meet Kevin, a Bull By GeneseePaws

It needs nowt, but somethin' to break the drear of the lonliness. will ya? i'd cover the groceries, and all 'at..." "i must have made a face or somethin' for he looked at me so strange.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 103 - The girl I once fell in love with...

But i suppose that's what lonliness does to you... nikki looked at me and sighed quietly... 'there are so many things that i can't place... so many things that don't seem to make any sense to me...

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