this song is I don't really know how to put a title on it

Come to the faith of the disgrace on the alter.the shatered dreams of the lonesome and the broken hearted.stop what has like a tape in reverse when it gets much to get ove rthose who rolled over into their graves.who buired the lambs


poem of years long ago

Always curled up on a floor holding my self so that i feel the slightest bit of love wich is fake for i hate myself and every thing i am for i am nothing i was shown a false world where i mattered to someone yet now i see the real world a cursed mass of lonesome


The Fool

There sits a lonely gentleman upon a shaky stool there are many whom flock around him to play him for a fool he looks out with his lonesom eyes across the braying static winking cheap, electric lighting his reaction's automatic he drains

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Speech 6. Rain

All that i can hear are echos when it hits the floor, i feel alive again because it makes me less lonesome. the gray sky looks so quiet and peaceful. and the rain constantly reminds me that each drop is dedicated to a person.



Amid the kid who thought different, found other paths to follow wandering, wondering among many who couldn't, or wouldn't dare show doubt, & risk a lonesome feeling of left being hollow my cup was always leaking, from running too far, too fast, never wanting

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A lonesome, broken boy, that in return, i gave up my own heart instead... i took up his hands painting them in crimson with the throbbing cuts that bled... and slipped them right into my chest.

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Despair, my Dear

You built up, around us both, a dark and lonesome wall. despair, my dear, you're all i fear, and yet you're all that's left. my heart is cold, and i've grown old. of friends, i am bereft.

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A puphood lost in the lonesomeness of an orphanage, that never had a shortage of pups to be pitied. she had only been a head of fur in a mass of tangles and had lived the start of her life as insignificant, worthless.

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The Good Things

But now, sitting in this lonesome cabin, he couldn't think of anything but her. the way she smiled when they would hug or the way she would tilt her head when he asked if she was alright.

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The Search For You

To make you want to say goodbye know that i lose myself every time you're on my mind no matter how far i've gone know that i could never find another you here in this lonesome place your name rings true it's in this place that i search for you

Years Of Distance

I grew lonesome in my prison. i needed a heart, i need my heart. i fearfully traveled back to the twisted tree. pulling back dirt and newly grown grass, i find the piece of me i extracted so long before.

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Gaia's Charm: "Winter Light"

But here she was in her lonesome, a rarity among our kind, her stature as brittle as the frozen leaves underfoot.

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