You know i'm sad and lonely. but can't you tell i like it? maybe i should just go away. so you share your happy with someone who will stay..
Depressing, Poem, lonely
I am pretty lonely irl, i don't have that many friends, and i've only ever had one gf, and we split up after about 3 months.
i would call you every day,
i would listen to all your problems,
and talk to you about that film we both love.
Love, Poem, Romance, lonely
## Memories
February 13, 2010 at 8:43am
You know what is worse than the memories
It's finding pictures of you every wall
On my computer and on my phone
And how I want to just toss them all!
But, I just can't seem to let you go today
Depression, Regret, lonely, loss
Well that is my story all true but i dont do drugs any more after my dad's death. the reason my furry is albino is because i feel like an outcast and that is why i'm a lone wolf.
Death, Kabuto, Wolf, lone
i cry my tears. Tears of pain. I reach out for help. But all is in vain. Yet I still hold hope. Flickering as softly as a flame. Praying that someday you will end my pain. The pain only an outcast can feel. The pain that is ALL too real. The pain only...
Dark, Sad, lonely, tired
_My life in sorrow._
_Getting worse for every tomorrow._
_Stuck in the bitter darkness._
_Waiting for a glimmer of light._
_For someone to hold me tight._
_Someone that can open my eyes._
_And bring clarity as of no surprise._
_For I have long...
Depression, Poem, Sad, lonely
Hold my paw and walk with me,
down the street and by the sea.
Look into my eyes and set my heart aflame,
And I promise that I'll do the same.
Take my breath away and sweep me off my feet,
be elegant, kind, and sweet.
Hold me close and whisper...
Love, Mate, Poetry, Promise, lonely
It took my dragon to break my heart, to get me to write. thanks--your name will remain nameless
the pain of being alone
of being lonely
the pain left from being left
left behind, left out
not knowing
not knowing how to explain pain
only the pain
Numb, Pain, hurt, lonely, tears
#9 of tears
i need to socialize more outside of school
i am a lonely feather in the wind
to busy wandering, unable to atone for my sins
i am always happy and irrational
but i'm always ending up crappy and unusual
i have so many colors but i stand alone
Pain, Poems, Poetry, lonely, tears
Once, there was you and me.
And life was great with you and me.
Then later, you and me were we.
Suddenly, my life was we.
I lived and breathed and worshiped we.
We was all I prayed we'd be.
But one day, we turned into you.
And I did what you...
Rhyme, Sad, break up, lonely, single
Love is an endless search of one another
Searching for love in blind faith
Once it's found it you question its presence
Is it true love or just a hallucination?
A fictitious feeling built up by your own sentiment?
Or is it an endless romance of...
Happy, Hate, Love, Wolf, hallelujah, lonely