000 Readme

The Sythkyllya is a long-term writing project that I've been working on (and off) for the past decade or so. I've always wanted to create something for others to enjoy, but I'm no popular author and my choice of content and style probably differs too...

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500 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

Cut Scene: In The Previous Episode Of Sythkyllya Immortality is a long business, and when you live forever, the world becomes something like a game. Cleo and Terrowne play house in various corners of the earth, walking back and forth and up and...

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240 A Placidity Of Kine

Save Point: A Placidity Of Kine Live Stock Pools, Nile River, Khem Sethkill is hanging out with the kine when they find him. The kine are large herd animals descended from what Terrowne has dubbed the 'gazelle' side of the strange sethura dual...

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199 Who Walks by Herself In The Rain

Save Point: Who Walks by Herself In The Rain Once Cleos eye has healed and the button is discarded, she comes to visit Terrowne in the green garden, the fruiting apple orchard that is the third part of the City of Uruk, a shared space where all are...

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994 The Default

Save Point: The Default In Aftertime \<system initialization\> There is a moment of disorientation. (It is happening again, all over again, it is happening again all over again again again....) Sethkill circles, casually, arms upraised in a...

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502 The Old New World

Save Point: The Old New World Somewhere In North America, 1500's One of her earliest memories is of playing, literally, with the bronze keys of the clavichord and the skull to keep her company. The skull is a great friend and likes to listen to...

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395 The Epitaph Of The Dragon

Ascension: The Epitaph of The Dragon Beautiful eerie softlight of deep time falls the rain on the bare rock my sorrows the sun the bones of the creatures far below crumbled stone marks forever the fall a second sun on the last day the fire...

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681 Gratuitous Tentacles

Save Point: Gratuitous Tentacles Somewhere On Exmoor, August, 1983 They lie prone just behind the rim of the slope for a few seconds, then Terrowne dares to raise his head for a swift fraction of a second, just to get a glimpse. "Holy hell, look at...

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200 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

Cut Scene: In The Previous Episode Of Sythkyllya Terrowne is revealed as the Dragon of Shadow, a creature out of urban myth known only from blurry and static-spoiled pictures, that destroyed the entire Azatlani underworld in one dusk to dawn...

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Fragmenting Courage (Otherwise Untitled)

The stars were a linear sprawl of rainbow for the moment of coming out of ftl, before the sight of this was replaced with the bright beams of weapons fire, the shimmering explosions of gases and atmosphere in zero g, and twisted masses of what were once ships

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468 The Last of the First Ones

Save Point: The Last Of The First Ones Northern Ice Fields It takes her eyes a while to adjust against the brightness, before she realizes that what she is seeing is not a tomb, unlike the rest of the ancient barrows spread across the wilderness....

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111 The Springer Verlag

Save Point: The Springer Verlag Somewhere Under WhitePoint Cove "Well hello Sethkill, its about time you finally got here.... what the Wolfmother is that thing you're wearing?" demands Keselt, sly archness turned to fashion outrage. Sethkill...

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