Runaways Chapter one: The trigger’s been pulled; it has signaled a new start.
Being iowa, nobody really seems to pick up on the big "cliques" that most cities in other states have. but being as accepting as the community is no one went out of their way to really make sure their children behaved correctly to others.
TMC-01 The Mighty Courageans
All through the night, farmers and farm hands in iowa were shocked and surprised by the beast that was trying to find scott. **end of tmc-01 the mighty courageans stayed tuned for tmc-02 sweltering steam**
Party Like a Wolf
Nbowa, a lion of great renown in the fandom, was hosting a mid-sized meet at his iowa home. this would be the perfect time for lykanos to strike, as all of his potential targets would be in the same place at the same time.
Ragnarok - XIII
A two lane highway somewhere in southern iowa looking at powerlines and cornfields out the window.
I the mornings, miles soon discovered, were really no different than how they were when their home was in iowa. it was comfortably warm, and the birds sang out their sovereignty over the country morning with many merry chirpings.
1. My Memories (Prologue)
Lex, tiger's claw ii and terra's shield, our only three available carriers, will form a triangle with the lex at the tip, claw and shield at the sides and the ev at the center, while the rest form in a compact diamond formation with the super battleships iowa
A Correspondence of City Mice: York.
"yeah, i'm studying at iowa state," york replied, trying to smile. he put the pack down, scratching the back of his neck. you remember when we were kids, how wednesday nights were with dr. takahara? those big 'family' dinners, ms.
Secret Love
"oh just a small town now one has ever heard of in the middle of iowa." the wolf replied trying to grasp onto his chopsticks, failing he just picked up a fork and began eating with it. "well i think you'll like jordan creek.
Christmas with friends and family(Christmas Special)
"no," clarice said with a sigh, "they're gone again, visiting charlie's parents in iowa." "figures," gideon said with a sigh, "zakai was looking forward to talking to alex." "zakai looks forward to everything," clarice said.
Christmas Special 2018
The bolanderbooks 2018 christmas special there is a void that exists somewhere between the waking world and iowa. a void where, for 364 days a year, all the universe's nothing and nonexistence is stored.
12. My New Life-9-3
Further refinement of the losses gives me a clear picture of what we lost: lost-in-action: washington terra's shield (36 survivors) chicago iowa (80 survivors) warhound solar storm (90 survivors) war scythe lion (14 survivors) archer
(at the end,they gave them their phone numbers and stuff).they got on there bus-telling the 3 goodbye,as the band is heading to the next city(iowa city)ia. the 3 were heading home,from the show.(it was an awesome time to see-machine head).