Violet (Your Lancer Interlude 3)

#7 of your lancer interlude 3/3 of the "your lancer" series this is a complementary material to part 3 and is meant to be read after that. the wolfess gets what she wanted... but victory isn't what she thought it would be.

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Adept Paws Interlude: Rea

Rea an adept paws interlude by tempe o'kun * * * [![rea](

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Beads (Your Lancer Interlude 1)

#3 of your lancer interlude 1/3 of the "your lancer" series this is a complementary material to part 1 and is meant to be read after that. the red-furred wolf visits a sacred location bearing sacrilegious thoughts.

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Maalum (Epilogue)

Chapters: maalum (interlude): chapter 1 - jackal style: caphter 2 - not one of us: chapter 3 - from jackal to lion:

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Karaoke Night - Chapter 6: Hate to Be Ignored

."** _ i played an interlude there that wasn't included in the original song. it was mainly to lengthen a short song, but also to try to get a hold on the tears and emotion that threatened to overtake me.

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The Kingship I

"_ he paused as they played a short interlude between the verses. more copper coins landed around them.

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Winter Interlude

Carter stood on the corner of Thirty-Second and Main, watching the snow fall across the final scurrying shoppers of the holiday season. Each seemed to be on his or her own mission to find that final perfect extra something. He sighed. This was a time...

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Misconceptions- Interlude

I hate the rain. Threadbare clothes meant my fur got wet quickly, and my fur was so thick it stayed wet for a long time. School had ended almost ten minutes ago and I was tired of waiting for Blake. My foot tapped against the ground. Finally, a car...

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Interlude 16

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 16** **beta-reader: ant0nius** pandora had found herself occupied with a difficult dilemma.


Interlude 10

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 10** **beta-reader: ant0nius** things were getting interesting. or at least... different.


Interlude 17

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 17** **beta-reader: ant0nius** the throne room had been devoid of the life it once had mere days earlier.


Interlude 3

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 3** grace happily hummed as she continued to quietly read one of the many new books now surrounding her lying form.

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