
Another thought late at night, nothing sought after, just a bit of insight... canvast... a wall blank, a canvas of infinity, if only by choice a word in reality, given more by a voice a reason still written, only known if read...

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A poets peace.

#6 of poetry just a little insight of how i think when it comes to writing your poems for i don't keep them i give them to you to read. hope you like this one!

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Dr. Von Zeppelin for M&M 3E

Persuasion rolls to seduce someone, skill mastery: stealth, skill mastery: technology, ultimate effort: stealth, ultimate effort: technology, well-informed **skills:** athletics 9 (+10), deception 8 (+10), expertise: sex, fetishes and kinks 10 (+20), insight

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Iovis, August 29th, Year 1355

Plus ixontros _should_ have sent a response by now; i hope he can give me more insight on kurai's _pen_. regardless of his secrets, i am happy to have my friend home again, and jadine will be happy to see him again too i bet.

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You Haven't Learned (Short Story)

The other will never know of her lover's unfaithfulness, but he doesn't plan to give her any insight.

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Writing Advice: Before You Write

This is what i want to talk about in this piece, and offer some insights on the things that can be done to help get the words flowing.

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Words: Prologue

The office of unusual insight came to be after that, with its members travelling the planes of consciousness, it was the subject of much scrutiny and controversy.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

Some of those rejected had truly brilliant insights and, ultimately, popular prose to offer. notable among them are stephen king, george orwell, and j.k. rowling." (grensing-pophal).

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Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

"indeed - i would value any insights you could provide, noble rider." rubbing her chin, she pondered the problem that had been placed before her. there were ways, of course, though none simple.

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Prelude to Paradiso

Yet, lacking prudence and insight, you can't help but feel amiss, like all of this could had been avoided. rest, senseless hero.


Poem, The filth

Without fear of the end that's insight. still my body goes as people turn there head in disgust. there was no true good bye for me. but a welcome to my afterlife....

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Sprite Master. Prologue

Mages and magic users tried to stem and repair but even magic itself was losing its strength and control in these coming not able to repair or even grasp insight to these times.

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