Major Rashid listened in shock as an aide conveyed the situation to him. An unknown number of Israeli soldiers were attacking Border Post 11 with sniper fire and rifle launched grenades, at least one Lebanese soldier was dead already. Major...
Battle, Israel, Lebanon, Mk19, explosions, gunfights
Kovak watched with grim satisfaction as the red dot in the center of his scope locked on to the Lebanese soldiers' chest. The Tavor assault rifle was light and although the scope offered a slightly limited view of the battlefield , Kovak liked the...
Battle, Death, Firefight, Israel, Lebanon, Snipers
"holy, shield up, more on the way" michael yells.
i take my shield with both hands, imagining the light coating it.
then i layered it on, five times.
my shield glowed, light enveloping too many worgen to count.
Fight, Series, Warcraft
"can you believe it holy, finally we get some action!" michael said.
bella neighs, responding to michael in kind.
scratch that, three of us.
sucks to be a sulky dwarf.
Fight, Series, Warcraft
"just making up for lost time and please drop the holy title, were already paladins, call me..."
"you were still top of the class holy, the title of holy is an honor you should embrace.
Fight, Roleplaying, Series, Warcraft
It was too wild to be a march, it was too holy to be a bawdy ballad, it was too pure to be some pagan chant, but she had no power to deny it was any or all of those things.
Armadillo, Coyote, Crow, Fantasy, Ferret, God, Historical, Magical Realism, Possum, grackle
**Chapter 1- The Creation of the Universe and the Birth of the Alicorn Gods**
In the beginning, there was nothing but empty darkness. There was no time, no sun or moon, and no ponies. But one day, if you could call it a day, there was a tremendous...
My Little Pony
holi said and leapt at him! she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, beginning to cry softly. the others rushed over to him and stood behind holi.
Character Development, Demon, Dragon, Gryphon, Lizard, Magic, Plot Development, Story Series, Tiger, Transformation
The holy dragon laughed.
"long as you bring 'em back in one piece, take as many as you like."
tea smiled, hugging the elder bear again.
"i'll make you proud, great holy dragon.
Battle, Bear, Canine, Dragon, Fantasy, Illusions, Male, Mask, Pixie, genderless