Origin of Holyjefe (The Holy Boss) Chapter 3
Chapter 3
It was two hours past dawn when we arrived at the cave.
I think, still too dark in this bloody place.
The cave entrance jutted out from the mountains bordering Stranglethorn Vale.
The plentiful trees provided cover on our approach to the site.
The plan was to use the small width of the cave to force the undead into a choke point.
I was to be on point with Michael threading strikes with his spear.
Leorna would use her power over plant growth to close off any side paths.
However to use it in the rigors of combat would risk collapsing the cave.
The Watch would cover our backs making sure nothing would flank us from behind in the woods.
So essentially, its just Michael and I versus the furry dead.
"Who came up with this plan again?" I said.
"I did" Michael said, smiling without a care in the world.
I just gotta know why he is so confident.
Its our first mission and he's having the time of his life.
"Michael, you realize this plan is all on us?"
"Do you not feel the pressure?"
"I feel it Holy, but I trust you." Michael said.
"You got this."
Well... ok then.
"Are you ready Paladins?" Leorna asks.
"I just finished scouting the entrance, we are clear to approach."
I strap on my shield and pull my sword from my hip.
If my partner says I got this I won't let him down.
"Lets move."
We walked up to the cave mouth.
Yellow Fungi were growing around the base.
Claw marks were everywhere, recent by the looks of them.
The ground is completely uneven, not easy to maneuver in the dark.
"Michael set freedom up" I said.
"Roger" Michael said.
The entrance was curving, I couldn't see past the first bend.
I stood very still, waiting, listening.
I heard a very small sound.
Like, crying.
I could feel Michael reaching for the light.
I felt a steady presence on my ankles reassuring me the blessing was complete.
We still couldn't see worth ten feet, but at least we won't fall on our faces.
"Move slow, we can't rely on our eyes in there so we need to listen for our foes" I said.
We moved forward, the cave varying in width between one to two people wide.
The walls looked stripped, this possibly could have been a mine at one point.
Leorna kept a steady stream of moonlight up in front of us, providing minimal vision.
Thick, inky darkness pooled from an-cloves and side passages.
We paused at each one as Leorna slowly coaxed vines from the ground to cover each opening.
We had to trust that this would stand up to the claws any undead worgen down those passages.
Something watched us from the darkness.
Shivers ran along my spine, and the tiny hairs on my neck stood on end.
"Stop, back up to that tight point. I want them to funnel at us."
I reached for the Light.
Garnering its strength and warmth into my hands.
I felt confident, secure, loved.
I knelt to the ground and pushed the power from my hands into the rock.
The cave lit up around us, consecrating the floor, walls, and ceiling.
Low warning growls hit us in a rumbling bass.
"Stay here, I'll be right back"
The area empowered me, the consecrated ground making it easy to feel the light.
I gather its strength in my left hand.
I moved slowly forward and then I saw them.
Red eyes sunken past a dark muzzle.
Neither of us were moving, they recognized the power of the ground behind me.
Something has to break, oh please don't let me be another Leeroy.
I whipped my arm around, hurling my shield at the worgen.
Guided by the light I could see my shield breaking their skulls.
If I didn't have a river of adrenaline flooding through my veins I would have freaked.
Finally getting a good look at partially decayed worgen and hearing their shaking roar.
Yellow teeth, Yellow claws, and red eyes oh my.
I guided my shield back to my arm and booked it.
Michael stood ready, His spear held loose in his hands.
Smiling his head off.
I sprinted for the choke point.
I hit the consecrated ground, rejuvenating my stride a instant before i felt claws fanning my neck.
I spun, bashing my shield in to the first worgen's left side.
It crumpled against the cave wall, the red glow leaving its eyes.
Another worgen followed before I could get my shield up.
It's head exploded, impaled by Michael's spear.
Brain parts and black ichor flew into my face.
Ulg, the smell... the smell.
"Holy, shield up, more on the way" Michael yells.
I take my shield with both hands, imagining the light coating it.
Then I layered it on, five times.
My shield glowed, light enveloping too many worgen to count.
Two undead, re-dead in seconds along with the power of light in the small corridor gave them pause.
But, the aggression was palpable.
Being undead does nothing to curve the bestial instinct.
Leorna hissed behind us, Michael and I stood in defiance.
Then, they swarmed.
If not for the choke point limiting them to two at a time we would have been chewed up.
I sliced and bashed, my blade tearing undead flesh and severing limbs.
The ground burning the worgen's feet, causing them to stumble.
Michael pinned one through its chest, preventing them from ganging up on me.
A worgen jumped, aiming to go over me at Michael.
I raised my shield and removed a layer.
An explosion of light disintegrated the beast.
The worgen in front fell to the ground.
Screaming as their hands and knees smoked against the light.
But they just kept coming, and we mowed them down.
Michael and I supported and defended one another.
Unthinking, our training in the core had prepared us.
Nothing would break this bastion.
When the last of the red eyes dimmed.
I had no clue how many there were, an entire pack at least.
We are both breathing hard.
The smell of blood and decay could not break my pressing need for oxygen.
I let my shield sag and fall to my knees.
"Well done Paladins, rest." Leorna said.
"I will scout ahead for the Scythe."
Leorna's skin shifts, fur sprouting around her neck and spreading to her face.
A black panther crouches in front of me, with a silver glow in its eyes.
Silver, that's weird, must be the cave.
I wave weakly, too tired to talk.
"Holy, lets move back some. The smell coupled with the sight is worse" Michael said.
"We need clean air, I have enough left in me for a small cleansing."
We drop back ten yards, the consecrated ground started to fade.
The concentrated light dispersing.
Michael rests against the cave wall, his hands crossed in front of him.
A bubble burst from his center in a instant pulse.
It passes over me.
I feel pressure where the undead blood stains me.
And then its gone, the blood turned to dust and swept away.
We might be free of undead filth and the air a little better.
But were still sweaty after that marathon.
To bad cleansing isn't an all purpose cleaner.
Leorna returned almost a few moments later.
Shifting back to her normal form.
"I've found the scythe, but this won't be easy" Lerona said.
"The hell spawn of Arthas wields it against us."
"A Death Knight is our prey."