Human in lion world part 13

Sarafina nick her head as haku said: that's what love can do zuki. siri lookt at her mom and said: should anyone go to nala and comfur her?

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My Life as a Slave 11

# "the prom king is haku yeats, and the prom queen is melisa kronkite," the announcer said. # a light shined on me as well as melisa.

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My Life as a Slave 9

# haku was dying he hadn't seen her in hours and was afraid she was hurt.

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Running Rivers - Under the Surface Chapter 10

If we're lucky, i can get the haku shaman to apprentice me." "somehow, i don't think that the haku are going to like that idea. are you sure you're going to be okay with that, living in his holt?" lakeland asked, his voice unusually caring.

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Kohaku, What's Happiness?

haku for the snow... i, "snow" forgot my color so i changed white, while my father as a needle and my mom as a thread made me happiness with the hard work of the neede and the colors of thread. i was thinking only about myself and left them.

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My Life as a Slave 10

Raze i think haku is being too protective of me sure my friend killed herself. it was bound to happen eventually, i mean she was the smartest kid in class.

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Shattered Remains: Prologue

haku. even fucking selena was taunting me into getting up, and that wasn't even everyone. so many voices...nearly everyone i've met since i got here...all of them egging me to get up and keep going even though there was nothing to go to.

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Tears - Under the Surface Chapter 8

Anyway, my search eventually took me back to the haku tribe. who would've guessed back then that i was at the wrong lahu tribe. either way, i had to face tayu again." stahl looked up at mea.

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Stalwart - Under the Surface Chapter 9

I left the haku tribe because i cared about him. he repaid me by leaving me. he said he had his hands full with you." "if you really cared about him, you'd realize he was happy. you're just as selfish as i am." alaka was out of things to say.

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