The Serum
The scientists behind this new, revolutionary gene altering drug had run every test in the book, perfecting their serum. it had made its way through the hypothetical trials and all the tissue samples came out positive.
Intro to Souless
As a result of the technology no evail's were hurt because normal animal genes were used, not evail genes. a branch of the project, called project crossover, involved enhancing evail's already present abilities and was a great success.
Furrsona Backstory.
One thing was sure : human and animal genes can not mix. even the arteficial bodies were made by complicated mutation in micro level in a mutated enviroment.
Our genes are full of rudimentary code, our bodies designed for anything but the void of space.
Story Guide: BOVERSE
So gene therapy is made public, advertised, offered as a thing you can do etc...
With Every Black Cloud....(Storm part 2)
He not only put the gene for activating the gene inside a dragon but also the dormant gene of a dragon. he would not have to wait eighteen years to become one.
The New Wolf Chapter 15
"thanks you really help me," gene turned his back to us, "bye elliot, i'll see you later." gene runs at a brisk pace away from us. elliot turned to me, "so where to next?"
Year Of The Rabbit
Afterwards, depending on how they're genes balance, their body will naturally even itself out. got more rabbit in you?
The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 2
However, he failed and created a wave of energy that re-energized the dormant gene and the people with the gene started turning into their pokémon ancestors. you are becoming one and are officially getting a new lease on life."
Future Vision: Chapter 4
He adjusted the power level of the laser back a little due the gene's ship being well within the 70km range that the carrier could shoot out to.
Fur-Tech Industries
He discovered he had a gene that, if properly stimulated could alter the body to a form more to his liking. yet this gene can also be very dangerous in the wrong hands." "you mean those thugs who were after me."
The Nex Issue: My Life is Super Issue 5
If things had gone his way, would it really have ended the gene stealer threat?" nex bobs his head from side to side. "yes and no.