Chapter 2 - Enter the Chihuahua

Fortunately gadget was able to talk curtiss down; otherwise the hamster might have lost more than one of his newly modified shirts. gadget spent the next hour explaining to the raptor the difference between real danger and a prank.

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A cute story?! x3.

gadget pouted up at the tiger, whom raises a brow questioningly as he nips one of her ears, "waddaya mean? you could still be studying right now, but you're not!" he chuckles, gadget blushed slightly as she bopped his nose again, "dummy...

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Project Faction - Mirella Juniper ~ version 0.2

"Your part is done, Juniper." He said to his partner, despite the pain. "But you can't do it alone. You need me, now more than ever." Juniper Replied, understanding his intentions. "My leg is shredded, June. I'm bleeding out as we speak. The...

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Dale is lost

#### **some days ago gadget had been helped by tammy fixing her aeroplane.

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One week constant exposure]) **lucky** (+1 benny per session) - **great luck** (+1 additional benny per session) - **scavenger** (find an essential piece of equipment once per session) **mcgyver** [sm d6, tinkering d6, notice d8] (improvise temporary gadgets


License to Kiss - Chapter 1: Prelude to a Kiss

_thank celestia gadget had disabled those alarms,_ he thought to himself as he knocked the guard out. sighing in relief, he called to gadget again. "guards neutralized. how much time left before the alarms are active again?" "five minutes."

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Maxwell Selenveen [Character Information]

What he lacks in power he makes up in his gadgets. he usually carries a few smoke and tear gas bombs with him,at least three throwing stars and his specially made gloves.

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Genesis Part One, Skupples

Years past with companies coming out with new fads and gadgets as fast as people would buy them. many things one would consider stupid or foolish came out those years.

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Wow Story, Ushi and Ichiro

She loved her work, and took pride in developing new gadgets and equipment. there was no set time for her to finish, and she told ichiro not to wait up for her, but he could not help himself.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

How rociel operates all this equipment is through a specialized suit that is made to enhance her natural abilities as well as function as an operating system for the numerous gadgets built to work with it; the suit also acts as a second skin that protects

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Four

gadget, and i'm just... me... i tend to do a lot of physical combat. farinay is by far the strongest here, and arron's the most experienced fighter. we don't know your powers yet, though i think arron has a theory or two."

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The Party

He always gloated about how his parents bought him this new gadget that hadn't even been released yet, all that jazz..." it was a typical saturday afternoon. leon had just arrived with the groceries.

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