A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 43: Refugees

A small sign said 'furshopper distribution and supply.' furshopper? and it hit me. well 'someone' collided with shadow, knocking him into me. i wanted to snap something, but grinned instead. "hi, brynn," i said through my smile.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 18: Darkness (Part 2)

There was a pile of rotting corpses to the far side of the store's parking lot; they were the bodies from inside the furshopper. blood and fur, there were a lot of them.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 41: Separation

Had it really been earlier this same day we'd left the furshopper? with my good arm, i clung to the tree, my head against the trunk. i tried to rest my eyes, jolting awake as i slumped, drifting towards sleep. damn.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 12: Risks

"park close to the furshopper, then wait to go around back. there should be someone to distract them." he looked uncertain. should? what other choice was there? we could wait through another curtain. wait until the zombies were again immobile.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 44: Beneath

We would not be checked in with the other refugees from the furshopper. shadow stayed close, taking my other arm. i glanced back, seeing a confused brynn pointing at us, looking up at cade. "wait. what about brynn?" i asked.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 46: Achieve

I was reminded of our first nights in the furshopper, when we'd been targeted by hate. now we were targeted by those who would use us, without a care to our personal wellbeing. my head felt more stable, and my gut stopped churning.

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