Lonely Oak Chapter 43
She took her flute-case, and headed toward the tent, floating away like a ghost.
Lonely Oak Chapter 8
The flute squawked as her lips flew away, and a bit of spit dribbled down her chin.
Furred Traditions Chapter 4
Nobody heard my flute, did they?" i shook my head. "oh good. it's best to keep that a secret." "what were you playing, anyway?" i asked, looking at his wooden flute. "wolf song. all wolf animal men know it instinctively.
Chapter Five: Music Night
The ferret held a flute in his paws, and walked with a swaying saunter, while snow followed behind him.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 12
He took out his fur flute dagger and placed the tip towards the mouth portion of his helmet. the knowledge of how to play the flute filled his mind as if it was second nature to him.
In Loving Memory- Demona.
Idly playing a unique flute, a item made from crystal, but baring no noticable signs of a cutting, carving or shaping tool upon the unblemished surface.
TS: Chapter 4
I pulled out the wooden flute master furon had given me earlier. i put it to my mouth and began to play it. having never touched an instrument before in my life, i was surprised at how well i played both the flute and the song.
RH's Hircine
When he was old enough, puck set off on his adventures, blowing his flute for everyone to hear and letting the maidens blow his flute in the midst of the night.
Love's Constrictions. pt1 A Perfect Counterpart.
After a few moments of awkward silence oona's eyes moved from arden's face, to his flute. his smile widened and he again brought the flute to his maw, pausing for just a moments, arden watched the snake closely.
Exceed, Part Two
"next i activate flute of summon dragons!", suddenly a flute appeared in lord of d.'s hand it started to play it. "now is summon too the field two cyber dragons!", suddenly two robotic snakes floating in the air appeared.
No One Dossier: S-Zero
These leaves possess microscopic tubes on their surface that look like tiny flutes.
Lonely Oak Chapter 93 - The Artist
A trail of notes flew from the flute, carrying backwards across a three-lined, wavy musical staff that carried off in the air behind her.