The Unknown Future

Leaving your doubters to flounder in the pool they all live in press on to the finish; don't let your failures diminish your moments of glory that add more to the story of the race that you're running in, fighting to be coming in front of all the

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"The Thin Line," Part QQ

The six of us readied our weapons, and as the opposing troops floundered to within range, we let them have it.

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Twisted Paths: Excerpt

She kept her grip tight on the pelt in her hand, twisting around to face her attacker, floundering in the powdery white snow.

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NM #8 ~ Looking

Niv floundered, put on the spot and trying to think. "i uhm... i-i don't, um," he paused, still trying to recall, "really remember... who made it." he had his chin in his hand, gazing to the ceiling and shaking his head slightly as he spoke.

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Nala's Venture: The Heavens Open Up

She thought as she saw a tree floating by near her floundering form. paddling underwater more than above it, she was able to sink her claws into the wood of the old tree trunk, most of it limbs already broken off from being tumbled in the water.

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STI- Hector's Plight

He floundered, grasping for the blanket and wincing, scrunching up his pointed muzzle when the wound in his side reopened. damn. it would bleed again, had only scabbed over during his long walk away from sunnydown.

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Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 13

Definitely floundering!" she quickly switched her sound power phone to the bridge... "bridge, starboard wing watch! we have a vessel about 70 yards ahead, 3 points off the beam to starboard, taking on water and floundering!"

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Sometimes he caught bass and sometimes he caught flounder. he hadn't caught any fish yet, though i'd brought a little bucket along with me to put them in. was that why he was angry? was he angry at me, or at the fish?

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Pt 5 - The Druid's Lessons

Gux floundered, a natural for a newly minted druid, but even after months of training, he was never able to change his shape or cast anything higher.

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FlounderAway: AfterKilling

floundering away: afterkilling "welcome to the kingdom, virkoal!" ajiro screamed as she swirled around in her spot. grinning happily with claws spread out and away from her.

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Arc 1 - Ephraim - 3: The Offer

._ the smile was warm the voice in his head firm and kindly, whilst ephraim floundered for something to say in return they continued speaking. _i am jarven, i lead here, you however are not eevee kind are you?

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The End and the Beginning

There followed an interval of several months of confusion, in which i floundered around, asking advice from people who were actually far below me in realization. needless to say, that produced only more frustration.

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