Airtime (commission for Arno)

The fisher was right - those exercises had helped before, so perhaps they would now. just as they breathed in, the fisher lifted their arm in the air. "and now breathe out," roman asked. _well, what am i supposed to do? hold it until i choke?

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Exiles of Mossflower: Prologue

A young fisher barely in adulthood sat across from shukko as the wolverine ate her stew. the fisher flipped through the pile of papers in front of her, trying to organize not only her notes but her thoughts as well.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seventy Three

I gave fisher's house one last glance as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. with the front door broken down, it wouldn't be long before someone found fisher's body. had anyone seen stark coming out? or me?

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Second Sight: Chapter Seven: Unexpected Company

fisher replied. "does anyone have any explosives left to use?" "no, sir." cam said, slamming his fist against the door. "we used them all on the support beams.

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Second Sight: Chapter Six: Drop Off, Lights On.

Commander fisher was giving me a cruel smile, and sat back down. we stayed silent until we heard vincent over the comms unit. "we're here." he announced.

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Wolf Tail chapter 2: Hunters

The other two are fisher and gatherer. while hunters are only males, fishers and gatherers can be both male and female. fishers watch the streams and lake that are in our territory. they collect fish and fresh water. gatherers do many things.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series

That helped slow the bleeding, but a brutal 1-2 from aragon fisher and jamie velasquez gave the home team a big lead without ever looking back.

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Second Sight: Chapter Four: Groundside

"you'll meet up with your squad and will take direct orders from your commander, carson fisher. you'll take one of the drop pods; just flip the blue switch on the seat, sit back and enjoy the ride." that was it.

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North and South Chapter 13: A Lead

Before kage could speak up, there was movement from fisher, catching all of their attention. serena darted over to the inteleon's bedside. "fisher?" she asked, seeing if he responded to his name.

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The Haunting

._ it all started one day some long time ago in a little town called fisher falls. yes i know, it's a weird name, but this is my story and i'm the one telling it. ok?



She sat on the edge of her bed and and punched fisher's number in. "sheriff fisher?" she said. "hello, ms. greenway. what can i do for you?" fisher asked. "i know where he's going." she reluctantly said. fisher paused for a moment.

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The Changing Face of Evil

But maybe you delude," the fisher decided, "yourself. maybe, to you, it is not a lie, but ... to the rest of us, the sane," he posed, "furs? we see your desperation. we see you clutching at air." graham just glared at the fisher.
