The Changing Face of Evil

But the face, the muzzle of evil? it changes. it shifts ... " a pause. and a breath. "we forget this. and, so, when evil is looking us in the eyes ... we are fooled." a breath, and a steely glance.


New Friends with No Faces

> "He's a good kid, he's just really frightened and probably very angry." > > Jacob slowly felt himself drifting out of sleep. He heard voices just a few feet from him. Not wishing to eavesdrop, but not wanting to interrupt either he decided to stay...

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Face Your Fears

My face turned red. was he asking me out? or does he just want to hang out? "er... sure!" i said. "cool! should i pick you up, or do you want to drive yourself?

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Nisse, Julefest, and Hooves- Second Day of Christmas

Gimmy, Vig, Joki, and Cham, all stare down at Canute in his bed. Gimmy is the first to speak. "The man's left us a bowl of porridge with double-butter every day for a year now." He proclaims VIg follows. "We need to get him something." He...

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Planetary Warfare

The Jeewol or Machine War, lasted twelve years, when in the 21st century AD, is unknown now, but sometime after the Anglo-led Invasion of Mesopotamia (Iraq? Sumer?). The Sentillian Empire, at the start of its reign over the galactic south, was a...


HSR Notes on the Void Warfare

Sentillian Naval Warfare, Production, Demographics, Doctrine, and Application in a Lively Galaxy. Number sizes Million 1,000,000 (in square cm, would be the size of a small house) Billion 1,000,000,000 (in square cm would be square...


Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)

Women would probably also wear trousers, as they're better at facing the wind than dresses but longer tunics may be worn as well for the ever-gravid pre-modern woman. i expect that things like drawstrings and broaches to be common.


Spring Fever world building

Some tidbits about Hathia So U.S history follows the same path as it did in our world, but as there were anthros humans never really enslaved other humans, as the mammal and avian dominated kingdoms of Europe preferred Bug and Reptile slaves...


Keeping Track of Story Universes

Hathia (Just Earth with some Additional Landmasses and Anthros that evolved alongside humans) \>I-77 (not on Hathia but in the same universe), takes place \>Spring Fever \>Duck Tail \>A New King (premodern) \>Pretty Kitty Missy \>Deer Story...


Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

The sole survivor of the pagan raid ran for the nearest village, and allegedly started the legend of king thor, the bloody angel, the man who marched an army of black armored knights of who's face you could not see.

Tribes Culture Descriptions

Tribes Culture descriptors Vulfan (wolves) The reason they raid the humans annually is to cull the weaker members of their tribes in an honorable way, they know they'll lose vast amounts of men and to them it keeps the population...

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Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)

As jenny reaches the cross walk she turns on her heels to face you, wearing what you can best describe as your own expression displayed on the fox woman's slim face.

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