Raiderstuck (part 1)

It's sburb except it's also rock raiders and written for rock raiders united cuz i felt like doing something with my account i made just to view a link raiderstuck characters [

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Space for a time.

The atom is exactly the same except that its property for age, for time passed, is different to the photon.

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Ideas for future stories

-space marine in zootopia: as above, except nothing supernatural.



Everyone except for one little misfit. one little outcast, forced to battle the storms alone.

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"The Thin Line," Part O

There was, seemingly, one other exception.

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The cursed snakes

- her toxic can melt all materials except her body. note: these are just a few examples of their skills there are the biographies of deborah, kaos of mithril.

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The Fang Necklace

except... some kind of trash under the sheets? calvin reached under the covers and pulled up a piece of this 'trash' only to find it was a piece of his pajama pants. calvin tossed his blankets off the bed.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 16

All except for two, the brown and the grey, standing off to one side. the chieftain raised his arms and the noise gradually died down. "is this what you want?" he asked. "yes!" everyone thundered back, except for the brown and the grey.

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except they didn't. but they _did_. a lone otter sat at his desk. he stared at the page before him. there was no state to his dress; sun shone over every inch of him through the window at his side.

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Earth 42 info

Months are 28 days except for december which gets 29 except for leap year where it gets 30.


Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 16

All except for two, the brown and the grey, standing off to one side. the chieftain raised his arms and the noise gradually died down. "is this what you want?" he asked. "yes!" everyone thundered back, except for the brown and the grey.

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Chapter 32: Evolutions! Achieve Victorious!

"since we are you except the black part, then we are blackomnimon." they replied. "let's go, we've got some job to do."

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