Burning Bridges

More with just self esteem than anything. while i tend to post vent journals once in a while, i never share my true emotions with anyone. i guess that im actually afraid to cry since i always believed that it was a weakness. just a vent poem i guess.


frame relationships

Hoffman sociology 8 16 december 2010 self-esteem and the modern marriage the biggest reason most marriages fail is because one or both of the partners are not self-actualized and as a result



Now that age has worn on my ego and esteem he rises like a fanciful dream, whispering horrid thoughts into my head. through all the years he learned to gamble, which gambits were the best to ply at my mind.


Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part One -- {Rocky Relationships}

. -- { paper moon bar 7:46 pm } the bustling bar, the paper moon was an esteemed all-around bar, filled with prestigious men and women of shinzuku city, mainly, the higher ups and celebrities.

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Such a Pig (Pig TF)

She killed her self esteem worrying all the time. today was one of these worst days. after freaking out about her hair all morning she finally got in her ford convertible she drove to the mall to shop for a prom dress.


A Fox's Family (Intermission 1)

However, now that vincent was a possible candidate for a position of esteem at the school, a small group of parents had come forward with concerns. jamie's fears were just beginning.

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A Pitbull Love Story (Part 6)

Thanks for bring so stereotypical i appreciate it, it really helps my self esteem. and once last thing i thought your name was jesse." "calm down kid" the shepperd said "and how do you know my other kid?" "other kid?" "jesse get in here now!"

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dancing contest#5

With nikkah's slightly grayed fur, he looked very esteemed. he had the look of a wealthy dignitary when he was dressed up. ''awww, nik, you should dress up more often, you look nice when you put a little effort in'' bellany teased.

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The Great Adventure Book 1: To What End?

esteemed and senior of the councils representatives have the honour of informing you that all the thirteen representatives of the council have read your report and have decided to enforce there will upon you all.

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However, the northern kingdom held quadruped khajiit in lower esteem as most could not talk with anything other than gestures or the complex sign-language that they use to speak to each other.

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Marshall's Love Adventure

He could never afford anyone finding out, for if anyone made fun of him, his low self-esteem would hit a new rock bottom. although, lately it had been a different story. he started dreaming of zuma every night, and was crazy for the chocolate lab pup.

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Onward to better times: Chapter 1: Aristotle wouldn't visit the lake a second time.

Not a first time, evan was aware of the chronic problem of his mate, but the compassionate child did not mind occasionally 'cooling off' the canine, the latter being a year younger, and an old esteemed friend. "i owe you another there, ev.".

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