Itan's Unfortunate Day 5 {PART 2}

Even though it would help me stay covered on my way back, i was too embarrassed to purposely expose myself to her. the cleaning lady was done and i was left with only a pair of wet panties.

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Accidents Happen! (Part 1)

Andlat tried to keep his tail from tucking from embarrassment. he was indeed wearing dinosaur underwear today. he had to be more careful.

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Hunter hissed and his ears flattened in embarrassment as he realized that he had just hissed at koda like an annoyed kitten. "and it looks like it's about time too." koda said as he showed hunter the soiled toilet paper.

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Andlat's Red Hood

Andlat said, still a bit embarrassed that he had tripped over the root. "i live not far from here." the wolf replied. "let's get you dried off." true to his word, the wolf's house was only a short distance away.

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Backyard Cookout

Even though he thought being fed a bottle was embarrassing, it at least distracted him from further embarrassment as the assembled lionesses powdered his privates, rubbing it into his fur even as his privates reacted to the attention.

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The Deal

He suspected she was taking it easy on him, but an embarrassed squeak escaped his throat as he slipped his feet through the holes before slowly pulling them up.

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Itan's Unfortunate Day 5 {PART 3}

In my thoughts, that monster just saved me from embarrassment of being caught naked by little kids. the worst thing that popped into my head was getting arrested for indecent exposure to two kits!

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Act Your Age at the Mall

Hunter figured that remembering his manners was his best bet to avoid an embarrassing prolongment of the change. his mom considered whether or not to give it to him anyway.

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Itan's Unfortunate Day 5 {PART 1}

Once again, it happened and this time it last for a good long excruciating embarrassment which lead one thing to another. i suppose part of it was my fault but i'll explain everything from the start.

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

The nightlight automatically came on and both were soon fast asleep, exhausted from their embarrassing day.

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Daddy's Baby Girl (Part 2)

As embarrassed tears welled up in his eyes, he sucked on the pacifier. "what's wrong?" "i don't like this!" andlat whined, tears flowing down his cheeks.

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She was still embarrassed, but her mother's calm demeanor helped ease the worst of her fears. "i... i'm bleeding..."

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