Dust Shorts: First Hunt
"Dust... Dust, wake up. It's morning." The dire weasel grumbled, rolling onto her belly trying to ignore the voice. "Don't ignore me, you wanted me to teach you how to hunt. That means getting up early. Don't make me kick you awake." "...
Dust: Road to Astuvila
**_"...rex...Rex...REX!_** _"_ _"What?" Rex looked around confused for a moment, who's voice was that?_ **_"Rex! It's me! Dust! Listen!_** _" It was that voice again, clearly inside his head._ _"Dust?" Rex glanced in the weasel's direction more...
Dust: Why Was I Reincarnated as a Dire Weasel? Rebirth I
'What...? Why is it so bright? Am I actually dead? No, I can feel my heartbeat. Feel warm too...so why is it so bright? _Götter_... what is that smell?' It took some time before the intensity of the light faded. But...
Uskara Tales II: Gwendolyn Espris (Part II)
The first house in question was quite nice on the inside, just like the other buildings that Gwen and Iris had entered. Decorated and furnished like a log cabin, with a very homey comfortable feel to it. The...
Uskara Tales II: Gwendolyn Espris (Part I)
People were shuffling about quietly. Weaving between tall bookshelves, either pulling out books or searching for what they wanted. Sitting at one of the tables looking out into the city through a large window were two...
Werebeast Saviors
In my home you, raiden, would probably be called draken."