Snack Attack

They reaches into their boxers, pulled out their junk, and simultaniously said "desert knights, downtown emergency!" they then let go of their junk and gave a pelvic thrust before putting it back.

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River of Blood-Chapter 1: Awakening

By the time she was done dressing the 6 headed out taking two cars to go downtown to the mall. the mall downtown was on a street 8 blocks long with stores of everykind. the troop laughed and cooed at the couples marcella and rob, and tobias and ron.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

downtown zootopia noon november 12, 2039 special closed meeting of the zootopian governing counsel.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 18- Distance

Klaus called as he half slammed the door behind him and stormed off into the heart of downtown. upon the otter's departure, the coffee shop fell into an awkward silence.

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Luke (chap. 3)- bliss

We had decided to catch a bus and spend the day downtown. since it was a sunday morning the bus was relatively empty, there were only three people on it besides us so i felt comfortable holding luke's paw during the ride.

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Teaser: River City Nights

As soon as there was an opening in the traffic i made a u-turn away from the bright lights of downtown and towards the seedier enclaves.


Mothers and Daughters

One of her favourite bands, lead disguise, was playing downtown tonight. now sure, she didn't have a ticket, or a ride, but that was no big deal. she would just hop on a bus downtown and walk.

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normal. four

The freeze occurred early enough that most people weren't occupying the many businesses downtown, and those who lived in the ritzy high-rise condominiums in the area had not started about their day yet.

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Fates of the Ferals: Frustration and Revelations

A few moments later, mitch was out the door and urging his brother along, hoping he would be on-time to catch the bus headed for downtown. the local bus-lines were feral-friendly, thanks to a city ordinance.

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Resolutions - Part 8 - August

As i looked at downtown there were memories of the parade that filled my mind and i smiled.

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 9

Then we'll go for a spin in my new car and check out downtown savanna." "sweet." kerdle said. "see you later wilde." jackson waved and then took off at a light jog back to the house. 6:30am....

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Living the Dream, Part One

Gaines municipal offices placed one downtown, which answered the overarching question of: ''where am i?''

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