
Kristen's eyes moved over to a darkened window near the top end of the room. "i was hoping you'd be able to tell me a bit more about this procedure before we start."


Order of the Black Foot: Serving the Light

The hierarchs said that it was because the temples were sacred, that they were untouched and unsullied by the mages that darkened the world, and kaia was sure they were right.

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It's Never too Late

I began a simple life free of anger, sin, and strife slowly they did poison me to the creature you now see a darkened soul makes a darkened heart trying to rip myself apart for they know they cannot understand when truth and man go hand and hand

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Dr. Kaajiv

It darkened! necrosis? no... my skin is getting pretty hard... what's happening. arg, more pain. i look at my hand, the darken tone is spreading on my arm! i tried to call for help, but no one answered. i start to feel very weak. i..

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One More Step (Poem)

Try to glance through the soft fog, 'neath a darkening sky; the fading glow of your memories, all that's left to see by. where are the lights, which once shone so bright? their places taken by shadow and a darkening night.


The Shadow and The Angel

Soon, together they met in darkened corners, with secret questions and hidden answers. his curse she did know and did believe, he was happy but in the end naive.

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These my words bring despair

Alas, these barren words bring horrors unknown, like the ravens dark flight, so too, my darkened night. my friend theres no telling, how far this will go, cause there is no killing, that will satisfy my rage.


He Walks As My Shadow 1 - That Which Stalks The Darkness

There was not even a breeze to keep him company within this darkened new world. "i can't keep doing this. how long do i have to keep going until i find someone to get me home?

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Introduction: Abandoned

Every flash of lightning pierced the darkened land with streaks of light. the storm raged on; leaving uprooted trees and sorrowful inhabitants. nature was following it's grand scheme: life and death.

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Hide and Seek

My pulse raced as i felt my face shifting, my nose quickly darkening as my wolf exploded from my body, fear pouring from my pores as each possible worry caught up to me. it was too much.

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The Cell (Thursday Prompt/Warmup)

The same window was also the source of the only light that shone into his darkened place of restlessness, punctuated by a small set of bars built into the heavy wooden door that kept him from the world beyond.

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Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 4

The lizard stands in a darkened doorway. he wears a lengthy apron splattered and smeared with broad dark blotches, some of them damp and slowly dribbling. a rich, pungent scent of decay wafts in from the room behind him.

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