Gates of Osmium Iridium

colossus of stone that have existed since the founding of the known world. a place long since forsaken by even the most remote of civilizations. where even the greatest of myths and legends do not dare to tread.

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Gemini – book 2 – chapter 5: Rescued

The colossus of ooze taunted the weak pegasus who was running for his life as fast as he possibly could, even though the strange giant was putting no real effort into catching him.

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Gemini – chapter 13: Changes

The colossus said before laughing manically and sinking into the earth, and then as much as he fought it, tiredness came once more.

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It's a Hit?

Now, with tidal stresses beginning to wrack katenn and its moon, the only defense against utter annihilation by the colossus lay in the proton bombs strapped to the only bomber that could be scrambled in time.

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Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 2: The Investigation Begins

His breath became ragged as his eyes travelled up the colossus to its large, panting face. he screamed and threw his spear at it and ran, a roar erupted behind him and the heavy paws of the beast pounded the earth as it gave chase.

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Ragnarok - XVI

Varr said slowly, as the sulfur carrier stretched, its knees below the pit its impact had carved out, "do you yet say that this your sword shall cut down this colossus, berserker?"

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Ragnarok - XX

How the twin of the cold colossus slain to make the worlds and give the warmth of life to frigid nonbeing, a searing touch will lay upon the sky's back side, and will split through its dome even as the heroes are locked in combat with his undead hordes

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Games list as of 5/20/2014

Deadlocked ratchet and clank: size matters red faction red faction 2 rogue galaxy rpg maker 2 rpg maker 3 samurai warriors samurai warriors 2 samurai warriors 2: empires seven samurai 20xx shadow hearts shadow hearts 2 shadow of colossus

A Fox's Family (Part 11)

The tall fox colossus quickly spun about and his eyes darted around the room with newfound alertness. he ignored his pounding head for the time being and started to search for clues, something that would help him decipher the previous night's events.

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Aether Rising

As the shadows covered me the poison filled them and fear spread from them, and soon i was a towering colossus that easily swept through the orcs. i looked back at spyro and cynder and spoke one word in a voice deep as a moonless night. "come."



It looked like something that had been cobbled together back in the old days of the colossus and manchester mark iv; when computers were room-sized power-sucking monstrosities that ran on punch-cards and spools of paper.

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Ragnarok - VI

I know not what would happen if we cast ourselves into the smoke-smelling abyss in search of some colossuses to slay. i know not what would happen if we left, retraced our steps, reported of our find to the old man, and from him counsel got.

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