Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 5

Sometimes lin hu would possess my body, and leopard cat would possess shu-chi senpai's body and... i felt bad leaving clouded leopard out of that, but we soon discovered he could possess shu-chi senpai's body too.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 34

Otherwise, he would have seen you and possibly chy." "chy?" i looked down and saw chy looking longingly at the bowl of food in my hand. "yes. i saw chy looking up at you through your door as you opened it." "well, thank you, ara."

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Getting to know each other Pt.1

Now those who've trained to use chi gain a few perks; a small chi wave, air stepping and it also increases my movement and attack speed.

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The End

It also acts much like chi, in that it is extremely powerful but unlike chi, it does not affect the physical plane of existence.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 7-Speculation

"hey sky", chy said handing me a plate, "here it's extra crispy." "thanks love", i said, "marco knew that man i fought." chy gave me a curious look, "who?"

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May Be Human: teaser

The chi was set loose and traveled into different worlds. one person from every world had unknowingly taken in the chi, whenever one of those people dreamed the chi would create what they dreamt between worlds. thus the betweens were created.

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 4

Why don't we wait and see if yan shu-chi actually wakes? then we'll decide your fate." "yan shu-chi wakes," repeated kulau. "yes, that's what i said," said guardian tiger. "no," kulau said and gestured towards senpai's body. "look."

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 3

The small, dark stream of chi had been replaced by a much larger stream of fluorescent green chi.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 8-DJ Skyline

chy smiled, "i know, i actually miss them. at least they know i got away safe." i tilted my head, "if you miss them why'd you run away?" chy sighed, "i didn't run, they sent me away.

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End Point

chy - my lover and companion "chy.. where have you been.." "a place marc.. where you can now join me.. come - let me show you" i stand, feeling stronger than i have for years.