haven history, well, most of it

Some time later, a vampire by the name of clair undertones, (i know, its a bad pun, but thats the name she chose) came across it on the run from a set of hunters, she escaped in the catacombs beneath the church and began to look around after the hunters


Chapter 15- Worlds Unknown

"the largest catalogue in existence, the royal catacombs. and because i know you're going to ask, they're called 'the catacombs' because of the way they are organized."

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Even Guardians can die

My allies swept from their catacombs into the bright once more, wielding weapons of great destruction and power beyond anything that we're ever witnessed in our lives or the lives before this.


All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)

The craggy cliffs above the distant catacombs below and the narrow, dusty, burnt-yellow sand, jutted menacingly above the bright turquoise sea that lapped the stark lifeless sands of the beaches of this world.

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Spyro: Dark Master Armies against Dragons Part 1

She looked so peaceful...during the years frozen up in the catacombs, she had grown from her small self into this tall beautiful dragon. her leathery wings were no longer shrimpy, her body had lengthened, her snout narrower.


Blue: Chapter 15

He grabbed the fox by the paw again and led her through the catacombs that were the main hq's basement ~~ab~~ black grinned madly as he picked up the rocket launcher. he would fire on gold's mark. he was excited for this.

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WindSwept: Part 11

--charos and glairn come by for a visit with the leaders of the final resistance, and afer learning about the situation they decide to search the catacombs for a jewel they heard about hidden deep inside where adults can't go.

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Cubi Problem Solving (Part 1)

I never should have brought us to those catacombs. the maps don't even make any sense, and the tablet turned to books, and, and i'm lost. i'm lost, ben. i'm the navigator, and i'm lost."

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Komara Aegissage Profile

Together, we dared to go where no other team had gone, from the depths of the ascalonian catacombs to the deepest marshes of the maguuma jungle.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 8)

The mage asked, his tone both annoyed and dismissive, "the catacombs have been empty since your kind burned them down."

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 6

Standing in the hallway of his catacombs, he turned to the right and walked to the end of a passage. he took a left and stood at a dead end. looking around for a second, he pressed his hand against the wall.

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character bios and an afterthought of haven

To date, shes a panthress with nearly pitch black fur, she wears skintight shorts and top to preserve what modesty she has while sacrificing none of her natural speed or grace, she has been know to vanish for a day or two when she has to make a run to the catacombs

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