The Fall A Story of Young pup

A man stands on the stage at one of main market villages in front of hundreds of people. Every group of people you saw was a different from the next, from every one of the four corners of the earth they had come and banded together as a community, and...

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Lost Kitty

In this non-canon short story, jason gets lost as a kitten and captured by a family of rabbits. this original version arguably has the happiest ending since jason gets to go home after learning an important lesson.

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Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter 1: Here we See the Female Bandicoot.

This chapter, in particular, focusing on my time before the evolvo ray, and the capture that has lead up to it. i guess an appropriate place to start things off might have to be at the very beginning.

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THE FRONT: PART 12 (Last Part)

"i am colonel maus, and my men captured you during a raid on your trench, according to your pack and your stripes, you are sergeant scott godfrey, am i correct?"

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Gummy Cat

GUMMY CAT By Crysteen Some years ago, my cat Gohan suffered from gingivitus, a desease of the gums. So the vet had to remove 14 teeth. She pretty much has no teeth, but very tough gums. She bites, but not enough to damage the skin, just leaves a...

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The Dragon Named Angel book 1 part 4

The next day Angel informed the others he was now leaving to tell the other dragons. He traveled to each home of dragons he knew of that should be occupied. They were not. He then came to the home of the oldest. The one three centuries old. Old for...

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Captured by a Macro Cheetah

You are captured by a big cheetah, and they have big plans for you. . .

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Captured (Kreet 2)

Another voice came down the passage, and - for a moment - she saw one of the other Adventurers, his armored plate gleaming in his own torchlight. The Big Person holding her responded in that too-loud tongue of theirs, but with anger clearly in his...

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Chapter Six: Captured

When I awoke, I found myself in a glass cylinder surrounded by some sort of liquid. I was still able to breathe, however, which confused me until I discovered a small breathing apparatus around my nose and mouth. There were various wires and tubes...

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Captured By Lions - Prologue

An innocent horse gets captured by lions who wish to fatten him.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Translation of captured document from the russian svr written by: zavrazhnov dasnilyt (dasnit) danilovich subject: xenos drakos fylates s.v.r. - foreign intelligence service ??? ?????? street ?????? 4 august, 2054.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Translation of captured document from the russian svr written by: zavrazhnov dasnilyt (dasnit) danilovich subject: xenos drakos fylates s.v.r. - foreign intelligence service ??? ?????? street ?????? 4 august, 2054.

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