Voicless: new Documentary (Trailer)

Anti-captivity, freedom. not a story, but a call to action: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm31ttyfmnq](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm31ttyfmnq)


The Traveller [rewrite]

Well it's a rewrite. I thought it could do with some touching up and some more in it. If you like it then check the others out as well. I hope to have rewrites for the others done eventually. All characters used in this story are copyright to my...

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The Traveller

Well hi there. Nixs the skunk and now writer. Amateur writer that is. Just a little multi chaptered story curtailing how i became a skunk. Its been proofread once or twice so any mistakes left are not my fault ^^. Any relavance to character names here...

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The Pits: Part Two

Author's Note: This story is no longer being worked on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was warmth. He could feel it on his back, through his fur....

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Cages part1

"I fly up and up and up, the wind flowing like chilled happiness. It cools my anxieties and fears about tomorrow and the next day. About life being too short or too long. I honestly don't know what i'd do if I couldn't..." He stops reading from a...

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Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold

This is my first story, so please don't yell at me, if you find something wrong, tell me, but don't just write "LOL rofl gay fag n00b, joo are teh suxorz! I hate joo! Ur story iz shiz, I hope u di3 in teh fire!" This isn't counter-strike! Tell me...

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This is a short transformation story written in the Island of Dr. Moreau universe. A shorter piece of this story has was posted as part of a character contest submission for the island of dr. moreau roleplaying thread on Gaia online. I would like...

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Slave Pacification (2)

Doulos Laboratories, meeting room There were twelve men of various species, all of them were neatly dressed in the standard company security uniforms. Their attention was caught by the panthress who stood at the head of the table. Because of the...

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 3: Trapped

Her clothing and belt where taken by her captives. at the moment, she lay completely bare in the middle of the room. there was no telling how long she had been here, but she knew she wasn't the first one to have been here.

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Axels Awakening: Part 2 Lana

Then the memories all came flooding back as she held the stranger; * * * five days ago: she was being held captive in a fortress of some kind. how she got there she didn't know, what she did know was that she heard talk that scared her.

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To Capture A Dragon

Shadow was one of the few to defeat Sonic when it came to speed combat and the only one who was a match for him was his little brother. Since both Fang and Shadow were created by eggman and shadow was first Fang was considered the youngest of the two....

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The Captain's Captive- Attack on the Camp

About how he took the hylian as his captive and forced him into mating with him.

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