Midline Shift 43 - The Death of Drumarien

_" "not quite, mercenary by the name of james campbell now joining me, was originally in pursuit of target and chased her from sector one-two-five."

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Midline Shift 46 - The Missing Number

"i'm...i'm james campbell. i'm james...james campbell." "...oh keelah, what happened to you, lirem hurry!

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas

James campbell." "huh, cool. hope you haven't been runnin' my buddy here ragged." "naaaah he's fine, i mean come on, look at this guy."

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An Era of Chivalry 12 - The End Of An Era

Walking out of this world would be a different james campbell. a more skilled james campbell who believed could protect himself and others.

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Havana or Hell, part one

campbell on monday to get some new meds, because olanzapine sure wasn't working. "you're not going anywhere, buddy," said the guard. "not with that bullet in your leg."

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Origin of the FinalGamer 4 - The Net Tightens

"the search continues for the wanted fugitive james robert campbell violently assaulted army officials and vandalising army property.

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The Promise 1 - To Her Family

Gerald campbell, and mary elizabeth campbell née thompson."** kirie's mouth gaped wider than it had ever been, her eyes twitching with shock at the state of the two raptors as she shook her head floating up to the glass.

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Midline Shift 37 - Facility XR-1

Transmission has now ceased, subject campbell has disabled it without further injury. returning to the ship now."_

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Burb Dog TV Pilot: Three & A Half Dog Night

We have a kick-ass production staff and we managed to recruit some awesome talent too; jason's part is actually being recorded by jason campbell himself!

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How about the campbell brothers, the nicest pair of badgers i've ever met, are they winners? sure, they drove their jeep over a mine and had their intestines rearranged in midair, but that's just a minor detail, right?

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The Gamer's Crossing 1 - A Wet Sleep

"uhm james, james campbell." "well mr. campbell, i'm tom nook, the proud owner of nook's cranny as well as the manager of estate property in this town.

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The Exile 5 - The End

The false campbell smirked with a curious grin. then he started chuckling.

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