A burning passion

Your love burns bright in my heart, like a wildfire it spreads through me. burning holes in my soul and mind, filled only by the thought of you. 'cause you are my lifeblood, and although blood may be thinker than water, i want you to be my wine.

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The Fire Burns

All she could do was stand there and watch in horror as her home and place of business burned down in flames... she sprinted down the street, looking for the first pony that came to mind; rainbow dash.


Izzet Burn

3x Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind 4x Last Thoughs 4x Dragon Hatchling 4x Shock 3x Wild Guess 2x Thoughtflare 2x Thunderous Wrath 4x Think Twice 3x Darkslick Drake 4x Cancel 3x Negate 3x Izzet Guildgate 12x Island 9x Mountain The idea behind...


Burning Bridges

Fighting under the night again To be heard or to never be seen Another dance with the enemy inside Lock you out and never feel again Grinding the gears until they break Hold it in and let it consume Fake the smile and deny Nothing is wrong The...


burning thoughts

Eyes floating in my mind lost in my thoughts of your beautiful skin, feeling your taste and sound run through me as i think of your eyes still staring at me in my mind burning a hole into my soul

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That Burning Sensation

Air get us some burn." air nodded and quickly ran off vulpi raised an eyebrow. he had never heard of anything called burn before and he was intrigued. "what's burn?" vulpi asked. "it's new developed who knows where, we don't care.

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burn to dirt

The bottom of his feet, feel seemingly burning. the boiling ground swallows him whole, and all he can do is scream and shudder and as pain wraps itself around his arms and legs.

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What if we find out

Once more i burned the midnight oil to crank out the lab report, as well as get a good start on my advanced organic chemistry final paper.

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[Commission]: Branded with Fire: the Tragedy and Justice of Fleur de Lis

And then came the pain from the burns. without much thought and still in shock, she climbed on top of the fountain and sat on a water jar spewing water, held by a mighty herculean earth pony made of bronze.

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What is to become of my life? How can I possibly slow down and see things in front of my eyes. I'm trapped in a past that wasn't mine. Determined by a multitude of mistakes Jumping from dimension to dimension Each one like the last, but never...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 23

### Chapter 23 ### Sophia's hopes of hearing about whether her dad got the new job or not were dashed when she arrived at an empty house following her shift at Albertson's. After fixing herself a couple of hotdogs (plain of course), she settled down...

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Burning Heavens PT1

#1 of burning heavens enter the land of vitria, where a war has been going on between the four local species since ancient times.

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