Life by the Page: Martha Talks

> Hello everyone! Firstly, I'd like to thank you for reading "Life by the Page", secondly, I would like to take the time to let you in on what's been going on with Chekhov. He has been very busy in the past couple of months and hasn't even touch his...


A Lead Crown Contribution: Inigo's City Adventure

A savage has been seen selling merchandise, the nerve of those pagans thinking they can come here to do whatever they please without consequences" the dragon then said "don't worry we will teach that bat a lesson" inigo gasped, \*they must be talking about


Sibling Rivalries Side Story: Morning Warm Up

She then looked at the peppy bat girl. "second, i was working at party city until midnight! i'm fucking exhausted." the young bat smiled at her.

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The Sound of Neon

Take it from a were-bat. there's nothing in the world, nothing at all, like the sound of neon. there's deep woodwind neon, blaring out a contrabassoon note that never stops until you cut the power.

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In the Pale Moonlight

With a blue bat, larger than her. they scudded, scuffled a bit before coming to a stop, having torn up the grass. the dirt. the blue bat shoved her down. pinned her. it was ereth. his fangs showing.

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Ebb and Flow

Even a bat. she picked up the bat, hugged it to her chest, and then held it away to look at it. she squinted. "we don't look like this," she whispered. pause. "at least they got the wings right. mostly." but, then, bats were reclusive.

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The Color of Night

"i don't know any other bats as well as i know him, but it's my understanding they have to have it." "do you remember melody?" bones again. "she thought she loved him, until he got her alone." scratch again. "that's just it.

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Homemade, My Sweet

To the bat, it commemorated selflessness. just as christ, in many ways, throughout his life, had been so selfless. giving himself.

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Mouse Poems

1/2 cup assorted (other) 'mousey motions' (wriggle, squirm, swivel, and snake) 2 tbsp. innocence 3 tsp. salty tears and, oh, yes: 1 stick of sweetened sex (or more, to taste) sprinkle with cuteness and serve to pink-furred bats

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Apples of My Eye

No more for mouse-bats. and you are a mouse-bat," he insisted. "say it with me. i am a mouse-bat." "mouze-bats. da ... a mouze-bats." "no, daddy's a mouse. pure-bred field mouse. you're half-mouse, half-bat. mouse-bat.

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bats were always looking to take others 'under their wings,' as it were. and she hadn't chosen a male bat (though she'd had her opportunities).

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The greatist story ever wrote

The bat grabed his computer and threw it out the window effectivley killing an evil law maker on the way to complete his master plan. the bat saved the day!!!!

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