Ace's biography
Name: Ace Gender: Male Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Jin (Zoroark) Species: Hybrid Ampharos/Zoroark Type: Electric/Dark Birthplace: Lostlorn Forest Current Location: Unknown Personality: Very mistrustful, distant, naughty, provocative, proud of...
Lily's biography
Name: Lily Gender: Female Species: Cinccino Type: Normal/Fairy Birthplace: Limecross Town (Unova Borderline), Twowaves Town (20 km near Mossdeep City - Hoenn) Current location: Lumiose City (Kalos) Personality: Very sociable with everyone but...
Hades biography
Name: Hades Gender: Male Parents: Unknown Species: White Typhlosion Type: Fire/??? Birthplace: Unknown Current Location: New Bark Town Personality: quick-tempered, distant, distrustful and serious at first. Is Cordial, curious, intelligent,...
Aqueus biography
Name: Aqueus Riverthorne Gender: Male Parents: Ake Myklebust\* (Gallade) / Faith Riverthorne (Floatzel) Species: White Floatzel Type: Water/Psyquic Birthplace: Abyssal Town Personality: Energetic, smart, protective, honest, generous, helpful...
The cursed snakes
Name: Kaos Gender: Male Species: Dragonair / Dragonite (?) Type: Dragon/Ghost Birthplace: Team slayer's Underground Experimental Laboratory - Sinnoh/Unova borderline Current location: Unknown Personality: Likes to snooping around. His behavior...
Arionne biography
Name: Arionne Gender: Female Species: Sylveon Type: Fairy Birthplace: Lotus Town Personality: Friendly, affectionate, thoughtful, very sociable and likes to help others. Appearance: Quadruped mammal covered mainly with pale cream-colored fur...
The territorial Hydreigon
In a big mountain surrounded by leafy forests, a Hydreigon was residing in there. The dragon pokémon was very territorial and he gets furious if someone was daring to enter. A Riolu accompanied byhis teddy bear in his arms was walking along his forest....
Spenzaroo and the weird restaurant
In a small town Pokemon had a restaurant Pokemon where there was always a lot of people waiting his turn. Numerous pokémon from around the world were going to that restaurant for their delicious meals. All the customers were come out really big and...
Nikki's special jutsu
In a big island of Kalos only inhabited only for water type Pokémon was divided by two tribes, the Greninja from the North and the Samurott to the South. The friendship between the Samurott and Greninja was good. The Samurott were sociable and helps to...
Alex and the Shiny Ampharos
In a huge swamp where they lived a big tribe of Goodra, there lives a Floatzel named Alex. He was a Pokemon different from the other, his structure was sticky and gelatinous, leaving a trail of slime for where he walks. Not very far from there, he saw...
The trap cave
In a big mountain far from the human presence, they were living a group of dragons where many people they were giving them to extinct. The dragons were merciless and bloodthirsty beasts capable of killing anyone that was entering his territory. In...
Happy Amphy Christmas
The Christmas arrives to Ampharos's brothers house. Lumeria and Neptune went for food and drinks while Ace took charge of decorating and organizing the house. He invited many friends at home and had to make space in the house so they could eat...