A Creation Myth

Starting a series on the world of Ocus, and where better to start than with a creation myth. This is one variation of one of the many tales as one might find in the world of Ocus regarding its origin. Like all creation myths it is complete hogwash and...

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The Calendar of Ocus

The Calendar of Ocus In the centuries that followed the rise to power of the Elljian Pantheon the world was broken. Many did not trust the new gods. Wars raged between the fragmented nations of the world. Dark priests and monsters loyal to the old...

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The Maryville Amazing Maize Maze

Quin walked the labyrinth that was the Maryville Amazing Maize Maze, along with two friends she had met in the walkway between the stalks. She had not seen anything of the people who had entered before her. But she really hadn't expected to. After all,...

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The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House

**The Mayor of Congruence and the Baroness of the Opera House** "Ms. Crem? Your 2 o'clock is here," Meredith said over the intercom. The gray fox rubbed the bridge of her snout. She hadn't had a 2 o'clock appointment at 1:58. She'd checked. Tally...

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